
Sunday 19 October 2014

10 most annoying behaviours on planes

People on plane
Packed into a cramped cabin with a few hundred strangers at 30,000 feet, tensions are already running high. On top of that, there’s always that passenger. The one who makes everybody else uncomfortable by screaming at the crew. Or the one with the children running amok. Or the space invader.
With disgruntled travellers taking to the internet in droves to out bad behaviour on planes on the viral ‘Passenger Shaming’ website, compiled the top 10 most annoying plane behaviours which Dailymail also reported .
  • Rudeness to staff: It’s always uncomfortable to listen to someone berating hard-working crew members. Passengers in the survey nominated ‘being rude to staff’ as the most annoying bad behaviour, well ahead of other irritants such as taking up too much space and being too loud.
  • Refusal to caution children when disturbing other passengers: When a child has been screaming and kicking the back of your seat for five hours straight, you’re in for a long flight. Not many can begrudge a distressed infant, but patience often wears thin when a parent makes no effort to placate children: 57 per cent of respondees said that lack of care by parents is their pet plane peeve.
Parents of difficult children may want to follow the lead of Christina Diaz and Michael Rubinstein, who made headlines around the world in 2012 when they handed out goodie bags to fellow passengers to ‘apologise in advance’ for their 14-week old twins disturbing them. The thoughtful gesture was well-received by passengers and a picture of the gift went viral.
  • Crowding seat/ hogging ‘extra’ middle seat:Scoring a free seat next to one is like winning the golden ticket these days, with airlines code-sharing flights. So, when you hit the jackpot, it’s only fair to share it with your row-mate, rather than claiming it as your personal storage area. If you’re lucky enough to get an entire row to yourself though, settle in smugly and stretch out.
If you’re nestled in on a full flight, remember your armrest manners. Make sure everyone has one to themselves before resting your elbows. Space hoggers make more than half of their fellow passengers angry.
  • Talking loudly: In a confined space, the entire cabin can be privy to your conversation if not kept below a discreet decibel, which will not make you popular. One unruly passenger learned the hard way when her loud antics were chronicled via Twitter by Modern Family editor Ryan Case recently.
On an overnight flight, Case live-tweeted her experience sitting behind a drunken passenger, or, as Case calls her, ‘the worst person in the world,’ revealing every eyebrow-raising snippet of her conversation. The gems included ‘Sorry, it’s my first time not in first class’, and ‘I have a very racist view of all Middle East.’
  • Blocking the baggage claim area: The bad behaviour doesn’t necessarily end upon landing. Everybody wants to get out the airport as quickly as possible, but those who block the baggage carousel by standing an inch away drive 44 per cent of respondees mad.Perhaps enforcing a ‘stay behind the yellow line’ rule like on tube platforms could prevent the super keen from making you miss your suitcase.
  • Reclining their seat into your seating area: The reclining seat is a hot topic in travel at the moment. Brawls over the use of the controversial Knee Defender have caused two flights to be re-routed, with a handful of passengers arrested. A recent survey revealed that 75 per cent of British travellers want to see reclining seats banned. The general rule to follow seems to be: Reclining on long-haul flights only, and not during meal times.
  • Carrying stinky food: Airplane food is widely considered unsavoury enough. But bringing one’s own snacks on board should be limited to inoffensive, fragrance — free options. Nobody wants to sit next to a hot takeaway — particularly if it is being sitting in one’s carry-on for a few hours.
  • Hogging the overhead storage: While some low-cost airlines enforce a ‘one bag rule, there still never seems to be enough space in the overhead compartments. Storing wheelie cases above and handbags under the seat in front is encouraged, but not always followed by some. Forty-three per cent agreed that people who take up all the storage space are the worst.
  • Rushing to disembark before passengers in front:While the majority of passengers adhere to the courteous method of disembarking, clearing out row by row, there is always one impatient person who believes their time is more precious than everybody else. A travelling barging their way past the more patient passengers is irksome for 41 per cent of those surveyed.
  • Blocking the aisles during a flight: Everybody likes the freedom to roam about the cabin to stretch their legs and use the bathroom. But sometimes, one gets stuck mid-wander. Whether it’s someone hovering to chat to a friend, or allowing their legs to overhang the seat into the aisle, 41 per cent of passengers say: ‘Keep it in your own row.’

Boko Haram breaks ceasefire agreement, attacks Borno villages

The Nigerian government had announced on Friday that the Islamic sect and the military had agreed to a ceasefire.
According to the military source, about 20 Boko Haram fighters in two pick-up vans stormed Maikadiri in Abadam Local Government Area, northern part of Borno on Friday evening, shooting into homes.
A member of the local vigilance group, Adam Kolo, in a telephone interview with our correspondent in Maiduguri on Saturday, said the sect had shown that there was no ceasefire with the latest attack.
He stated that the insurgents killed the father of the former Speaker of Borno State House of Assembly, Goni Ali-Modu.
Another indigene of the attacked communities, Masta Ibrahim, said in Maiduguri that, “My parents are there and my brother called from Monguno to inform me early this morning but we couldn’t get across to our aged parents.”
Also in a renewed attack on Shaffa, Hawul Local Government Area, south of Borno on Saturday morning, scores of Boko Haram insurgents rode to a village near the town in the early hours of the day, shooting indiscriminately.
Eight people were killed, according to a resident, Elijah Msheliza.
He told our correspondents that many of the residents of the town had fled into the bush.
Msheliza said, “There was pandemonium in Shaffa as Boko Haram invaded the nearby village, shooting at everybody at sight. We had to flee into the bush and, as I am talking to you, many of us are taking refuge in the bush.”
Shaffa is about 230 kilometres from Maiduguri, the state capital, and had recently witnessed series of attacks by the insurgents.

Saturday 18 October 2014

How to Understand Men – True Experience from a lady's view

When I was young I asked my mother about how to understand men.
She told me that men are like placements. They only show up when there’s food on the table.
(Yes, that joke is that old).
But seriously, trying to figure out what makes men tick and how they think can literally give you a migraine.
how to understand men
The Mail Mind
They claim to simple creatures, but unlike women, they don’t tend to share what’s on their mind (even with their male friends).
Why didn’t he call me? What does he really want in a relationship? Why does he say “nothing” when I ask him what’s on his mind? Why isn’t he sensitive to my needs? Why does he stare at other women? Why does he take so much reading material to the bathroom? The questions are endless.

How to Understand Men

There is no one simple technique to understand every thing a man does or says, but a few critical insights that will make understanding men a possible mission do exist.
The secret is to not only KNOW these things but also to ACCEPT them. Here are these important insights:

Why He Takes You Out to a Fancy Dinner, and Then Stares at the Waitress

Men can’t help but stare at other women. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can laugh about it.Beautiful women for men are like gorgeous shoes for women. If you walk by a window full of stunning shoes, can you control yourself and look away?
I don’t think so. But it doesn’t mean you want to have sex with these shoes, or marry them.
Men are visual creatures, they like to look. It doesn’t mean that he has lost interest in you, or that he is insensitive. It’s just his inner ape taking over. That’s the way it is. Don’t fight it, accept it.
You can really surprise him by saying something like “Isn’t she gorgeous?” I guarantee that his eyes will shine with delight. He will discover a confident woman who knows what she’s worth. Trust me on this and give it a try.

Why He is Insensitive to Your Needs (And Ignores Hints)
Hints don’t register with men. If you want to know how to understand men, you have to realize that men do not get subtle suggestions, or even aggressive hints.
If you don’t specifically ask for something, you won’t get it. Women have intuitive skills that men simply don’t possess, and they are not interested in “reading minds”, as they call it.
If you want him to be more affectionate, for example – hug you and kiss you more – don’t say something like “My dad hugs my mum all the time, he adores her”. Israel and Palestine will hug before you two will.
 Just tell him how you feel. If you want a diamond earring for your birthday, don’t say “How about something shiny that’s a girl’s best friend”? For him you’ve just described a new pressure cooker.

Why He Grabs His Chest and Fakes a Heart Attack if You Mention Marriage or Kids

Men are not afraid of commitment. No matter what the last Kate Hudson film has taught you, they DO want a committed relationship. Being single has its appeal, but just like you – They don’t like to be alone and lonely.
They look for a woman they can trust, which is just as important to them as her looks. They will marry a woman who will make them feel good about themselves and make them feel powerful (don’t yell at me, it’s not my fault)
That’s why if you want to get a man to do something, suggest he’s too old for it. They need to feel powerful and prove you are wrong.
If you want to have a child with your spouse, and he seems not so eager about it, it’s not because he is not interested, it’s because he knows it will be really hard on him NOT to be the most important thing in your life. Again, irritating, but don’t shoot the messenger.

Why He Needs to Feel Powerful (but Believes He Won’t Survive the Common Cold)

Every man has a bit of Brad Pitt in him
Every man has a bit of Brad Pitt in him. They want us to think they’re successful, strong and the sexiest men alive.
They won’t admit it, but they need to feel powerful. They need to feel that they can be your savior. And they need to be in control (not of you, of themselves) all the time.
That’s why they can cry like babies and threaten to die the moment they start to sneeze. They know that getting the flu means losing control, being dependant on someone else. They accept it and use it all the way, but they don’t like it.
You probably heard this one before: “When women get depressed they eat or go shopping. When men are depressed, they invade another country.”
It’s because being powerful makes them feel good.
That’s why THEY want to be the ones who propose for marriage, and THEY want to be the bread winners in their family. Again, the inner ape is always there.

Why His Best Friends Are ESPN and Video Games

From birth, men are taught that “boys don’t cry” and that being Mariah Carey’s fan is not o.k. They learn to tuck away their emotion and avoid sharing intimate details.
ESPN fulfills all of these normal needs for men. They are allowed to cry like a baby if their team loses, and to dance like a little ballerina if their  team wins. ESPN makes it legitimate for them to FEEL. So don’t take it personally if they never want to turn it off, even if you are in bed together.
It calms them, soothes them and allows them to get in touch with their emotions. Anyway, it’s way better than the alternatives (German porn).
As for video games, or any other game for that matter, you should realize that men are like trees, they take forever to grow up. No, but seriously, the only differences between men and boys are the size of their shoes and the price of their toys.
But really seriously, men will never be as mature as you are. They will never take full responsibility for what they do and they like to be players, literally.
They like the competition and they like the challenge that video games offer. Again, don’t take it personally. I bet you can come up with some easy distractions to get him to quit the video games (Have a great idea? Why don’t you share it with me in the comment section?)

Why He Enjoys Sweaty Men Beating the Teeth Out of Each other, But Runs Away From a Fight With You

Men hate fighting. For them it means they have to win, and you have to lose. Fighting is not a way to resolve problems for men, it’s a war. They will eagerly fight about who should take out the trash, but if the fight becomes emotionally charged, they will mostly become quiet.
Emotional conflict is more threatening to men because it’s very hard for them to contain it. You may find it hard to believe, but men are a bit more sensitive than women.
They can’t recover from emotional trauma as well as women. That’s why they guard themselves much more than women and do their best to avoid getting hurt. That makes them look insensitive and inattentive, but they are only trying not to lose control.

How to Make Any Guy You Want – Adore You

I don’t know if you heard about Michael Fiore. Have you?He’s probably my favorite relationship expert and he has quite a few best-selling ebooks that contain all you need to know about how to understand men, get the man you want, and make him forever look at you with puppy eyes.
I sincerely recommend that you read this one (I did), because the advice is priceless, though sometimes irritating (The truth about men often is).
And now…one Final Insight, Perhaps the Most Important One of All:

Why Does He Take so Much Reading Material to the Bathroom?

It may sound strange to you, but he feels that it’s the only place where he has complete privacy. There he is free to think philosophically about Lindsey Lohan’s bra size, read about the Giants’ next game and contemplate why no one makes a women’s perfume that smells like new car interior.
Don’t fight it. Instead, make him a cup of coffee to take with him and watch him falling in love with you all over again.

Girls: 5 Reasons Why You’re Still Single

Now, I’m well aware that there are PLENTY of women out there who are very happy to be single, love going out with the girls, having fun with guys and just leaving OUT the whole relationship thing for a while. That’s cool, this article is for the girls who JUST WANT A BOYFRIEND. I know you’re out there…I’ve met you.


Text message:
Guy: ‘Hey, do you want to do something this weekend?’
Girl: ‘Yeah sure, whatever you want to do I’m up for’ WRONG.
If a guy you’re into has texted to ask you to do something with him, you’re doing well. He’s taken the all important first step and put himself out there. You know he wants to spend time with you so now it’s time for you to meet him half way by suggesting something. He’ll be happy that you’ve agreed to rendez vous and relieved that you have taken some initiative. A better answer would be ‘Yeah sure, going to a birthday party on Saturday but how about we meet for a drink before?’
This reply will;
1. Show that you’re plans for the weekend are not reliant on him, but you still want to see him.
2. No way suggest that you will be spending the night together because you’re meeting your friends AFTER him, not before.
3. Ensure that if the two of you are having a great time, you can always extend the date to him going to the party or just continue the drinks into the night.
4. Ensure that if it’s not going well and it’s full of awkward silences, you have an escape route, and so does he.
images (1)

2. You’re too intense…chill out

They say ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ well the same goes for relationships. You might get on really well, you might have kissed on many occasions, you might have even met and hung out with his friends but to get to the stage in a relationship where you have the right to ask ‘Where were you last night, you didn’t answer my calls or texts and you never told me what we were doing‘ is very, very far down the line, we’re talking close to marriage. Relax, let it progress naturally and let him breathe. Make your own plans and never presume the two of you are doing something, if plans have not been made, he will make his own, as should you.

3. You need to let yourself go and start having fun

Your friends think you’re fun, you have a great laugh with them when you do your silly voices and impressions. You have awesome chats and pre drinking with you is always good craic. Why can’t you do this with a guy? At the end of the day, a guy wants a girlfriend that he’s attracted to (which will be the initial reason you caught his eye) and then someone he can just hang out and have fun with. Someone he considers a friend with the added bonus of sex. The best present a girlfriend ever got me was when she made a fort in the living room out of sheets and duvets and pillows. We watched dvds and played xbox in it all day. I know she did it as a present but we both had a great time. It’s things like that will make the two of you closer.

4. Playing hard to get – you’re doing it wrong

Girl: Oh my god the last time I saw you was at that party and I’m pretty sure you made me do a tequila! 
Guy: Yeah and then you spilled that pint over me!
Girl: You did look pretty ripped under that top though…
Guy: Ha…thanks
Girl: *touches arm* ooh still going to the gym I see…
Guy: Yeah… eh so how about we go for a drink next week
Girl: Hmm,If you’re lucky…we’ll see
 Right, so this scenario is almost an exact replica from a scene in Made in Chelsea (which was on in the background while I was doing manly things like taking down the Christmas Tree). This girl throws herself at some guy, flutters her eyelashes and shamelessly touches his arm and chest. He’s thinking ‘sweet, I’m in here’ asks her out and THEN she plays hard to get? No, no, NO! You look ridiculous.
Playing hard to get is an art and yes, it works but you need to do it the right way around dammit! If you have already flirted with him then playing hard to get looks stupid, he’ll just think you’re an eejit.
Be aloof, once you say ‘Yes’ to a drink he’s offering to buy-the game is up, either you like him or you’re just a drink scabbing whore. Once you give him your number, if he says ‘Right so I’ll give you a text maybe we can go for a drink’ Don’t say ‘Ha, we’ll see about that’ Okaaayy…. wait, what?
It’s good to be mysterious and maybe even a little stand offish but once you respond positively to his interest, then it’s too late to be hard to get.

5. If you dress single, you’ll stay single

It’s no secret that guys love a short skirt and some sexy cleavage, we are attracted to it, like magpies to silver. You look great, it’s obvious as you walk through the bar and every guy you pass leers at your visible skin. If you’re looking for a kiss with some possible sex, then fantastic, you’re dressed appropriately! If you just love dressing up with your girlfriends and feel totally comfortable showing off your body then more power to you, it’s great to see confidence in people. IF however, the only reason you’re FREEZING in bare legs and suffering AGONY in your high heels is to get a man, then you need to rethink your outfit choice.
Believe it or not, guys notice girls in jeans and t shirts too. The pretty girl at the bar having a laugh in a blazer, jeans and boots is interesting. She’s clearly comfortable, not shifting from right to left because the balls of her feet are going numb. Not constantly fixing and pulling at her top because it’s a little too tight. Either she already has a boyfriend, or she’s just comfortable going out to a bar to have fun and if she meets someone, she meets someone but she’s not going to flaunt everything she’s got just to get attention. Whatever the reason, I’d like to find out.
And just on a side note; Men are not stupid. We too notice that you’re wearing fake eyelashes and bad hair extensions. You’re not fooling anyone with that thick foundation and those fake nails. We have a fair idea of what you look like underneath it all and we’d like it so much more if you laid off a bit. Make up is supposed to accentuate your best features not make you look like Ronald Mc Donald. If only you knew how many guys look at really good looking girls and say to eachother ‘far too much make up though’, you don’t need it, okay?

Pastor Rapes 19-year old girl during spiritual cleansing(Photo)

A pastor who has been arrested for alleged rape claims the 19 year old victim is his girlfriend .
The tearful victim said the 29-year-old cleric identified as Anthony Arogunmasa, popular­ly known as pastor at Ikere-Eki­ti community in Ekiti State , lured her into his Araromi Street, Ikere-Ekiti residence under the pretence of giving her spiritual cleansing. She said
“I was just meeting the pastor for the first time in my life. He approached me and told me that I needed some spiritual cleansing.
He said that God instructed him to ensure that the spiritual cleansing was done for me. I fell for him because I saw people calling him pastor. He took me to his house and gave me a candle and soap and asked me to start praying. He also brought out certain ob­jects which he said were prayer items for the spiritual cleansing. In the course of the prayers, he asked me to remove my cloth­ing and just tie a wrapper and I obliged. It wasn’t long after that he suddenly jumped on me and eventually had carnal knowl­edge of me forcefully.”
 Though he confessed to having carnal knowledge of the victim, the suspect said that the victim is his girlfriend.
” It is true that I slept with her on September 23, but I didn’t do it forcefully because she has al­ways been my girlfriend”
 The Police PPRO said:
“We have proved that it is a clear case of rape. We have a medical proof and during our investigation, we dis­covered that the victim couldn’t have been a girlfriend to the suspect as he (pastor) claims. You can imagine that he doesn’t know the names of the lady, nor where she lives or any of her friends or relations and he claims to be the lady’s boyfriend. How is that possible?”
The sus­pect, who confessed to committing the crime, accosted the victim on September 23 at about 2000 hours and lured her to his house to perform spiritual cleansing because he perceived that the victim was under a spiritual spell. On getting to his room, the victim was threatened and put under fear of harm before being raped. Medical report confirmed that the victim was actually raped by the suspect while preliminary investigation revealed that he is a serial rapist who lures hapless women with ‘spiritual cleansing’ to have unlaw­ful canal knowledge of them. He will be charged to court as soon as investigation into the case in concluded.”

Culled from Sun  

I hardly Google myself to avoid heartbreak'-Chika Ike

Nollywood actress,Chika Ike has had her fair share of criticisms.However,she says she hardly reads things about her ..That's how she keeps herself from being hurt .She told the Tribune..
At this point in my life, I hardly Google myself, because if you do, you may get heartbroken. I have a publicist and this keeps me from the stress of reading so much about myself. I don’t want to be thinking about what someone has written about me.  I don’t want anything to keep me from my goals in life. At this point in my life, I want to be more focused. That is why I have a publicist to tell me what I should do or shouldn’t do. I try not to let all those things distract me. We all have feelings. People say we don’t care, but we do because we have blood running through our veins
On Criticisms over lodging in the most expensive hotel in Abu Dhabi ..she said

I like being happy. I do things that make me happy. I know there were lots of reactions; my publicist told me. If going to the moon would make me happy, I would go to the moon. If diving into the ocean would make me happy, I would do just that. That is the stage I am right now. I don’t need to let people’s opinions on how I live my life affect me. As long as I don’t hurt anybody in the process, nobody should feel bad about it

Photos: Rick Ross and Missy Elliot have lost so much!

If you know these super star rappers, then you know what they used to look like. Here's what they look like these days...I guess nobody wants to have any form of cardiovascular disease lolz