
Tuesday 11 November 2014

The 8 Different Types Of Penises There Are In The World

When was the day you realised that all penises and vaginas were different? Was it in Secondary school? Because that’s when it was for me .... wait am not gay I went to an all boys secondary school & again since am a medical doctor I get to see penises anyhow ewww I knw for the guys and wow for the ladies. WHo knew there were so many shapes and sizes, so many variations? Everyone, apparently.

The Chode

Perhaps the most unfairly maligned and cruelly taunted of all penises, the Chode is often defined as a “penis that is wider than it is long.” While certainly within the realm of anatomic possibility, that’s a rather rare occurrence, and the term “chode” has more commonly been used to describe any penis that’s rather portly and which generally resembles Danny DeVito’s body. Although the Chode is widely ridiculed for its overweight appearance, studies have shown that many women find penis width more important than length. Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the fact that your dick is just a pair of glasses and a balding middle aged minion.

The Slim Jim

The inverse of the Chode, the Slim Jim (aka the #2 Pencil) is tall and thin, regal and intellectual, and most likely not very enjoyable for your partner. While the Slim Jim appears more physically fit than the Chode, it is actually less desirable and has been described as “bookish” and “aloof,” and has led many to question, “Are you sure it’s in my vagina? Because I’m pretty sure it’s not my vagina.”

Mr. Snuffleupagus

The wooly mammoth of wiener, Mr. Snuffleupagus is an ancient relic more likely to be found under thick layers of Arctic ice than in the living, breathing flesh. A truly endangered species nearly rendered extinct due to the increased hygienic and grooming standards of modern society, Mr. Snuffleupagus was particularly dominant in 70s and early 80s pornographic film. Shaggily hirsute and most likely quite pungent, Mr. Snuffleupagus is not missed by those who came in contact with it, many of whom were never even able to determine where the penis ended and the scrotum began.

The Sad Wizard

Ah, the Sad Wizard… truly the most mysterious of all penises. Enshrouded in a droopy robe of enigmatic foreskin, the Sad Wizard often defies categorization: Is it erect or flaccid? Big or small? Disdainful or bemused? Seriously, what the shit is going down there? We’re never sure — all of these secrets and more are hidden under the Sad Wizard’s skin trench coat.

The Channing Tatum

Simply put, a Channing Tatum is the most dreamy, gorgeous, and resplendent dong around. First of all, this thing is chiseled, with a seemingly astray 6-pack of muscles halfway up its imposing shaft. As if that wasn’t enough, the head is simply to die for: scrubbed pink skin, high-set cheekbones (don’t ask), and a come-hither look that promises, “Yeah girl, I’m tough — but not too tough to love you.” Did I mention it can dance?

The Leaning Tower of Penis


Known for its cockeyed slant, the Leaning Tower of Penis always looks like it’s battling a strong gale on a windy day. Notoriously difficult to make eye contact with or comfortably navigate, the Leaning Tower of Penis can make life challenging due to its penchant for inadvertently poking innocent bystanders at geometrically improbable angles, but is useful for various other jobs like prying open paint cans or scratching that hard-to-reach spot on your back.

The Owen Wilson’s Nose

While sturdy, prominent, and charmingly Roman Catholic, the Owen Wilson’s Nose won’t win any beauty pageants. It certainly gets the job done — in fact, it’s been found in close proximity to a great deal of beautiful women — but it’s homely to the point of distraction, leading many to wonder, “Why doesn’t he get that thing fixed?” as well as “How does it curve like that? Is that a dent? It looks like it got kicked by a horse…”

Hulk Hogan’s Bicep

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Take a close look at Hulk Hogan’s bicep: note the skin tone that could be most accurately described as “Movie Theater Hot Dog Orange,” the veiny gristle, the rubbery texture, the preponderance of odd lumps and saggy protuberances. It almost looks like some kind of hideous prosthetic, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, years of anabolic steroids, excessive tanning, and strenuous flexing have rendered Hogan’s muscles fluorescent and freakish; even more unfortunately, a Hulk Hogan Bicep penis shares all of those same off-putting qualities, as well as the implacable impression of hazardous toxicity. Hulk Hogan Biceps are hard to miss because they are generally (and inexplicably) three shades tanner than the rest of the accompanying groin area. The overworked cranks of many porn stars fall into this category due to years of skin-stretching boners and vigorous sexual intercourse

Friday 7 November 2014

7 Things That Prove She’s Wife Material…

Gbam!!! Una knw say the tradition has been completed inshort na to bone white sef .... still thinking..... well yesterday was great tanks u you guys n d elderly ppl but as I get small chance make I quickly give una small tips!!! Tym to be serious 

So you’ve been casually dating/banging a girl. Good for you! But do you really want to take it to the next stage and make it official?
Listen up girls because this is what most guys look for in a potential wife!

A sense of humour

Essential. If you can’t laugh together the relationship will never take off. If she has the sense of humour of a wheelbarrow, things will get stale almost immediately.

She’s cool with you playing video games

If you spend a lot of time playing games this one really matters. If you’re locked into a Call of Duty session you don’t want to be harassed by a pissed off girlfriend. It’s stressful enough listening to 13 year-olds telling you they’ll systematically fuck every member of your family. So add piercing looks from across the room and it’s all a bit much. If she’s cool she’ll know it makes you happy so she won’t give you a rough time.

She isn’t afraid to be herself

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If she wakes up before you to re-apply her makeup then ditch that bitch!
If she feels the need to always be dressed/dolled up around you she’s shielding herself from you. Her guard is up and she isn’t happy being herself in your company. Not wife material.

She respects boundaries

When you’re in a new relationship you’re going to be spending a lot of time together. That being said, when you want to go out with the lads she has to be cool with it. If she frequently tries to get you to ditch your friends to be with her you may need to reconsider her as a potential wife.
Also, not being able to get away from her for some alone time is a serious negative!

She likes your friends

Your friends are a major part of your life and were around long before she was. Yes, you like her and enjoy her company but if she doesn’t get along with your friends then you’re gonna have a bad time! If she makes you choose who to hang out with then she isn’t girlfriend material. Plus you’ll have to listen to her telling you how immature and rude they are on a regular basis and nobody has time for that!

She isn’t stingy

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O.K it’s kind of expected that the guy will pay for the first date and the majority of dates thereafter. But this is the 21st century ladies, and if men must listen to you harp on about inequality then you should take Barry White’s velvet smooth advice and practice what you preach. Chip in and don’t expect to be a kept woman!

She trusts you

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If she asks you “Who’s that?” every time you get a text or take a call she could just be insecure. If she checks your phone and Facebook messages then she doesn’t trust you and is checking up on you. Personally I think girls like this want to see what you might be hiding because they often have something to hide themselves. It’s a total cliche but if you don’t have trust you don’t have much. If you don’t trust her then save yourself the hassle; a relationship won’t work out well.

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Wednesday 5 November 2014

Final Birthday as a bachelor! True Story..... #Author

Ghen ghen its my birthday today the 5th of November Gbam! Well technically its supposed to be like every other birthday I have had.... boring, not wished even a happy birthday, no gifts, broke, dejected & single! Yes I am usually single towards my birthday days I guess all the girls around me always avoid me .... maybe they think am expensive well how expensive can a naturally broke hungry person be sef? Anyways before I change topic lets go back to its my birthday again! So what makes this bday special is that it will be my last birthday as a bachelor hehehehehe because a sane lady decided to marry me tomorrow yes ME ME ME I will leave the bachelor's life tomorrow 6th & 8th for more information Click here RuRu weds Juju
Ruru & Juju

No more hunger every hour because I go feed well after tomorrow chai I go fat well well oh!! Everything will now be legit {if u know what I mean} evil minded people hehehehe so I can finally make heaven !!!!

So this MIGHT be my last post before my birthday, wedding and honeymoon cause I have to really get busy with preparation and stuff will definitely get back to my new found hobby when the coast is calm

So my people I will be receiving my gifts from to today oh! Make una no try mi cos I dey quick vex any tin una wan contribute contact mi thru my profile or thru the comments or my email cos my eye dey red so!!!

I tank my readers dats You , You and You!!! Yes You for reading & giving mi hope remember to download my android app for new articles and news here!!!

So till I restart articles & newz u guys can go through other popular post keep ursefs busy especially the Anini , Abacha & Mko Abiola articles. .... u can also help ursefs with true stories & fake names or erotica literature stories...

Don't be shy

Thanks peeps

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Real Stories Fake Names: “Ben” & “Sarah”

I’d first like to start off by saying I am by no means a ladies man or a player, but this one weekend, I managed to get the ride two nights in a row…my mojo was in full swing. It was totally out of the norm for me and I’m certainly not bragging, in fact, this is more of a confession, I did something I’m not so proud of.
So it was a Friday night and me and the lads went for a few pints which turned into a few more and eventually a dance off in coppers. I hopped out to the smoking area and there is where I met her, romantic I know. She asked me for a lighter and we got chatting. After a few seconds I realised she was locked as I was. I’m not really sure how it all happened but we ended up scoring and getting a taxi back to my place.
In mine we fumbled around for a while then I found a condom, slipped it on and proceeded to give a relatively mediocre sexual performance. The next morning we exchanged numbers, shared a chicken fillet roll and she was on her way. I went home and slept a bit more as I had a mates 21st later on.
Again myself and the lads met for a few pints before heading on to the birthday party. He was a friend from school so there were a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a long time. Everyone I spoke to I was catching up with. I started talking to the “hot” girl from my year, Sarah. The one who everyone fancied but was always with older guys, a bit of a bitch actually if I remember correctly.  Anyway, I don’t know what she was playing at but she was flirting with me, and being the sucker I am I flirted back. We ended up scoring at the party and eventually she suggested going back to mine.
We got in a taxi and messily fell around my apartment into bed. We started fooling around and eventually we were about to have sex when she stopped me
“Do you have a condom” she asked
I cursed myself, I was sure I’d used my last one the night before!
She insisted that there’d be no sex if there was no condom, I was furious, I had the chance to shag the hot girl from school and I was about to blow it, we metaphorically, physically I wouldn’t be blowing anything….
Then I had the most ingenious yet evil thought I’ve ever had, I would lie and pretend I was using a condom. I neared her pussy with the tip of my dick, in my mind it was in slow motion to the theme tune that Darth Vadar walks to …
I couldn’t do it, It was far too risky, I wasn’t having sex tonight.
Then I saw it, the soggy, wrinkled used condom from the night before, sitting there, staring at me. I jumped out of bed and seized it, I mimicked a tearing sound with my mouth and pulled it on. It felt wet with the dated semen running over my dick.
“I found one!” I shouted
And in I went, for the guiltiest sex I’ve ever had …
Don’t judge me, fuck. I know, it’s even worse when I wrote it down. Thought you guys would appreciate it though. 

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G Is For G-Spot… The ABCs Of Sex

A is for anal. Give it up, kid. She probably isn’t going to be into it. If she is, put a ring on it or run away, depending on how you feel about butt stuff.
B is for blow jobs. Blow jobs are fucking awesome, but any wet-behind-the-ears guy could tell you that. Girls fall into one of three camps on them: never, with some convincing, or they love them. Find one of the last category and you find nirvana.
C is for condoms. Sadly, they’re probably mandatory unless you want to spend enough time down at the school health clinic to get an honorary medical degree in sexually transmitted infections.
D is for drunk. Drunk sex is a lot like a train wreck: fast, dangerous, and likely to cause onlookers to flee in shock. Try to keep it classy enough so that a video of you going down on your lady friend doesn’t show up on YouTube.
E is for experience. It doesn’t matter freshman year, but by senior year you shouldn’t need a road map, GPS, compass, and spotter to figure out what you’re doing. It’s a biological imperative, not rocket science.
F is for fingering. This is your most basic technique other than going balls deep, which you shouldn’t do right off the bat, because disappointing sex doesn’t tend to bring a girl back for a second round.
G is for G-spot. Find it. It’s not hard.
H is for handjobs. These are the sexual participation trophy. No one likes them, you feel bad for people who get them and honestly, they just reward mediocre performance.
I is for improvise. If she asks you whether you’d like to come back to her house for drunk food, your answer is always yes, even if you have an 8 a.m. lecture.
J is for juice. Ew, no, not what you were originally thinking, you sick son of a bitch. I mean hydrate. If you aren’t hydrated, you’ll be done so fast that “confusion” will be the emotional buzzword of the night.
K is for kissing: first base, foreplay, and so on. If you didn’t figure this out in school, there’s still (very little) hope for you yet.
L is for looking good. If you leave your place trying to meet new people and you look like a homeless man, chances are your success rate will be lower than the Redskins’ chances of winning a Super Bowl in my lifetime.
M is for mustache rides. Advanced technique. Very dangerous. Requires a mustache. Don’t try this one without proper preparation and an ambulance team on standby.
N is for Netflix. It will be a better wingman than most of your mates ever could be at 3 a.m., and it has the bonus of not trying to bone the same girl as you.
O is for orgy. These don’t actually happen in college, unless you join one of those weird groups on campus like the marching band. I’m told that’s a thing with them. Fucking band geeks, man.
P is for porn. Don’t watch it with your roommate, around your lady friends, or in the library, please.
Q is for questionable hookups. Just know one night, when the whiskey flows freely and the world becomes hazy, you might bone a hard two. Be mentally prepared for the fallout.
R is for ride. Catch a ride home from a party in a taxi. For some reason, something about having another person drive you both home seems to cause girls to spontaneously attack your face with their mouths.
S is for sex. I don’t have to explain this one, I hope.
T is for time. Keep it reasonable, champ. Less than five minutes is probably a bad thing, but a few hours might make her turn on the TV out of boredom.
U is for unprotected. Going raw dog, while obviously the preferred form of boning, is probably a bad idea. It’s like Russian roulette with your dick. Except instead of dying, you get the clap.
V is for vagina. Rumour has it, they have magical powers.
W is for wait. Timing is everything. If she gives you her number, go by the 18-hour rule at least before starting a long conversation. You don’t want to come on too strong.
X is for eXcellent sex playlists. Yes, I broke the alphabet. Sue me. Having a good playlist is key to making sure the mood is set and the neighbours don’t beat down your door because of the noise.
Y is for “yes.” All joking aside, make sure you get consent.
Z is for zygote. AKA a baby. Don’t make any of these in college, because it kind of ruins all your plans.

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The Gentleman Vs The Dickhead: And she chose The Bad Boy

As a self-proclaimed single girl, who knows what she likes not just in a guy, but in the bedroom, I find that beer chugging, drug infused bearded men are exactly the kind of guys I go for. They’re loud, egotistical and most of the time, horribly arrogant. And yet I continue to date them. So why do I put myself through the trials tribulations of dating these absolute fucktards? Why don’t I go for the good guys? The guys that take me out to dinner, want to meet my parents and don’t have overwhelming commitment issues. Although I know i’m not the only one. Time after time I receive tearful phonecalls from my heartbroken girlfriends who’ve fallen for a guy who is a complete dickhead. Why do we all do it? Us twenty-somethings are addicted to the bad boy. It seems that no matter how many bad boys we go though, we just won’t and will not learn. So why do we always go for the bad boy? Let me break it down to you…


The Gentleman: This Gent will pick up you up on time, take you to somewhere classier than Eddie Rockets and even pick up the cheque. He’s mannerly, good fun and adorably nervous. He’s cute.
The Dickhead: You’ll meet this guy for drinks around 9 in the evening, or even after a night out. But you never know what’s in store. The stories this guy has is comparable to Russell Brand. He’s probably in a band or an actor or something, has a beard and is dangerously charming. After the date it’s straight to his mate’s insane party, an underground or simply off to the bedroom.
Winner: For me, it’s the dickhead. The Gentleman is great, but he’s cute. My fanny doesn’t flutter for cute guys. Any twenty-something single girl prefers a night of thrills, adventure, always curious to know wants going to happen next. The dickhead has this massive façade of confidence and is up for a very verygood time. And who doesn’t love a good time?


The Gentleman: Whether he brought you here or you met him here, you can be sure that the Gentleman will introduce to his friends, fetch you a drink and help you find you coat at the end of the night. However, if you’re a bit of a social butterfly, you’ll find that talking to new people means the Gentleman will be respectfully distant, but not too happy. More often than not in my experience the Gentleman will shyly make himself known to be the guy that you’re seeing. It’s not that you weren’t telling people on purpose, it’s just that you’ve only been seeing each other a few weeks and there’s more to you than that.
The dickhead: This guy knows how to party, like really fucking party. The dickhead will briefly introduce you to his friends, at the very most, before continue getting absolutely smashed. You see, with the dickhead, nothing is more important to him than to have a good time. If he’s having fun then he doesn’t have to face all the shit going on in his head. On the plus side for the single twenty-something year old, he is a blast to be with. You’ll find yourself taking a shots of God knows what, and being offered God knows what. And you can be sure if any other guy is hitting on you, the dickhead will make himself known. Another thing about the dickhead, is that he does probably really like you and care about you. But he always cares more about having fun.
Winner: I don’t know about you, but I’m a girl who likes a good time and free will, so the Gentleman is a bit of a mild experience for me. So why the dickhead? Because he’s great to party with, he’s funny, he can play Wonderwall on the guitar and he gives you the room to find your own fun.


The Gentleman: The gentleman is great for concerts, once he has a few pints in him to ignite his confidence. Once he’s on his way you have a blast with him. It’s so great to see the Gentleman out of his shell and be able to be himself around you. And for those slow songs, no doubt he’ll have his arms around you with a shy grin on his face. Awwwwww…
The Dickhead: The dickhead is no doubt high off his tits on drugs, not to mention completely wasted. You can just by the pure intensity in his eyes just how much he’s enjoying this gig. That’s before he disappears into the crowd, leaving you alone with the pity friend* (this person is not particularly cared about by his “friends”, but hangs around with them anyway to appear cool) of his group. You’ll probably get a call after the gig wondering where you went… I didn’t go anywhere you dickhead. 
Winner: Definitely has to be the Gentleman for a concert/gig. Not say all bad boys are as disloyal, it’s just they get caught up in the moment. Which is great fun for them, however you did come here with this person and no one likes being abandoned. The Gentleman has a lot more appeal in this situation. Sweet and good fun, he may even stray you away from the bad boys.

Meeting the Parents

The Gentleman: Is an absolute gent when introducing themselves to your Mother. A little nervous, but hey who isn’t nervous meeting someone else’s parents? Depending on mutual interests to establish a good impression is overlooked by acting mannerly on both parts, so you never really need to worry about your parents liking them.
The Dickhead: First off, if you getting this bloke to meet your parents is hard enough work in itself. The dickhead is a total commitment-phobe, with the acceptable of his dedication to having the craic. If this does happen however, it really boils down to how conservative your parents are. If Mom and Dad were hippies back in the day then you’ll probably be alright, if not… well good luck with that.
Winner: The Gentleman takes the trophy for meeting the parents. He’s polite, respectful and mannerly, how could the parents not like him?


The Gentleman: In my experience, sex tends to mean something for the Gentleman. This is not a guy who finds no joy in one night stands. So when he’s about to hop into bed with you, he’s a little timid. He means well, it’s just that he can be so focused on trying to please that the sex almost becomes mechanical. With more emphasis based on technique than passion.
The Dickhead: The Dickhead is 100% passionate. Chemistry just ignites between the two of you, and the sex is usually awesome. The only problem is, is that you’re both drunk when you do it. So everything is just blurry the next day. Morning sex usually makes or breaks whether or you two have actually chemistry.
Winner: The Dickhead. As I said the Dickhead is all about having a good time, so when getting down with the bad boy, you’re in for one hell of a ride. Not to say the Gentleman is terrible in bed, but compared to the sheer amount of excitement and who doesn’t want passionate, sensory overdrive, awesome sex?

The Craic

The Gentleman: Of course at the end of the day it’s come down to your personality. And the Gentleman isn’t a bore, neither are those who date them. The craic with the Gentleman is pretty normal. In the sense that you’ll talk about your interests and genuinely listen to what you have to say. If the chemistry is right than you’ll have a blast with them.
The Dickhead: What you study, work as or do really outside of drinking and hanging doesn’t really concern them. They love a good story, and living the life as a young singleton has left you with a few hundred weird and wonderful stories. The stories the Dickhead comes out with are absolutely insane.
Winner: This one i’m afraid is down to you. Personally the Gentleman, although good fun, is just a tad bit underwhelming for me. The Dickhead offers so much excitement and has just done so many crazy shit that you can’t help but be more entertained.


So why I believe the bad boy (usually) comes out on top is because they offer us much more excitement and mystery than the lovely Gentlemen. Not to completely disregard the nice guys, they’re the ones with their heads screwed on. But just because they’re good, doesn’t mean we should date them. Your twenty-somethings are for random parties, having adventures and having a good time. And who knows a better time than the bad boy? So until the time where we’re ready to calm down, it’s the bad boys we’ll continue to go for.

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