
Wednesday 19 November 2014

12 kinds of people you must never marry

The easiest time to prevent a divorce or an unhappy marriage is before marriage, not after. There is no gainsaying that love can have such a drunken effect on the about-to-wed that clear danger signals become unimportant to them, while hope becomes the only commodity. After all, is it not said that love conquers all? Great! But what type of love is meant there?
There are traits that some people cannot drop. It is like hoping that a right-handed spouse will one day become left-handed: a classical case of waiting for Godot!
If you are looking for a wife or a husband, please be wary of these groups of people.
Those who can never say, “sorry
They would hurt you, annoy you, disappoint you, but would never apologise, because they believe that it would belittle and demean them. When you are wrong, you apologise to them, and when you are right, you still apologise to them, hoping that that they would change. But they never do. You start to feel irritated and agitated. The love and respect you felt for them start to wear away.
Those who can never say, “Thank you”
Whatever you do for them, they are never grateful. “Why should I say, ‘Thank you’ when you are just doing your duty?” Some would say that their gratitude is in their heart. Do you have to open a heart to see the gratitude and get it? Such an attitude causes irritation and frustration and unhappiness.
Such people also believe the world owes them a lot. They go around their activities with an entitlement mentality. They are difficult to please.
Those who have excessive libido or inadequate libido
Sexual intercourse is a very important factor in marriage, but when you have a spouse that needs it for breakfast, lunch and supper, it is difficult to have any peace in the family. Infidelity also knocks on door. On the other hand, when you have a spouse that hates sex or thinks that sex should only be had once a year during the wedding anniversary or birthday celebration, there is also trouble in the house, and infidelity is usually a challenge.
Men who think women are to be seen but not heard
Some men still live in the 18th century, in spite of the depth of education they profess. It is true that marriage is not a zone for feminist crusade, but if a man has archaic views about women, then, please avoid him like an Ebola patient. Watch out for statements like: “How can an ordinary woman want to be the CEO?” “How can a woman chat with men?”
Women who believe they don’t need men in their lives
Such women believe that they are self-sufficient in all things. They have the I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude. Men feel ill at ease when they are with women who don’t allow a room in their lives for a man to fill. Such women find it difficult to express love. They fly into quarrels easily. This creates frustration and conflicts.
Men who are looking for housemaids, not wives
These are men who still live in the 15th century. They have an archaic idea of what the role of wives is. They believe that women are only meant to cook, clean the house, bear children, and serve the men.
They believe that when the men talk, women must just obey. The man can keep mistresses, but the woman should keep quiet and not even be seen greeting a man. A woman should not work, should not step out of the house, and should not complain whatever the man doles out to her.
Those who can never trust anybody
These are those who believe that everybody is a dangerous enemy that has evil designs against them. They have an obsession with fear of people, including their spouse, that it is irritating. Once a spouse cannot be trusted, there can never be joy in the family.
Those who have no respect for others
People can mouth love, but without respect, a marriage can never be happy. Women who love to prove a point by insulting their husbands, or men who believe in treating their wives without dignity in the name of cutting their wives to size: such people make terrible marriage partners.
Women who see all men as competition that must not be given an inch
Marriage is not a place for activism. A woman who sees a man as a competitor rather than a complement is a dangerous person to marry. When a man has to contend with a woman every minute, when a man is always too conscious of what to say or do to his wife, then there is a problem.
Those who can’t control their temper
Hot-tempered people are dangerous. They can utter anything in anger. They can do things that they will regret for life. They can be violent. Their words can be venomous. They can put you in trouble.
Those who cannot forgive
Forgiveness makes us look superhuman. But there are those who cannot forgive, no matter the circumstances. Not only can they not forgive, they can also not forget. Because they can’t forgive, they usually think of how to get revenge.
Those who have not been weaned by their parents
Age has little to do with maturity in marriage. Those who have not been “weaned” by their parents make poor marriage partners. They are full of “Mummy said”, “Daddy said”. They take every family discussion to their parents. They cannot do anything unless their parents approve. They allow their parents to run their homes in the name of showing respect to the mother-in-law or father-in-law.
Those who are tied to the apron strings of their parents make marriage tasteless. Such spouses are as a constant source of frustration and sadness. You will always be wrong. You will always be vilified.
In summary, marriage is not a bed of roses. There is nobody without some faults or idiosyncrasies. But it is foolhardy to walk into a landmine with one’s eyes open, praying and hoping that the explosive would not go off.
To avoid heartache, neither blind love nor desperation to get a married should push a bachelor or spinster to jump into a marriage with someone that will cause nothing but pain, sadness, and sorrow.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

8 Reasons Why Shower Sex Is Absolutely The Worst Sex Ever…

I hate shower sex.
I consider myself a sexually adventurous woman. There are plenty of atypical things I am willing to do between the sheets, but shower sex does not fall among them.
I’ve tried it; in fact, I’ve dedicated serious effort toward working to enjoy it, but I’ve deemed it impossible.
Shower sex is easily one of the most overrated methods of penetration in the history of ever. It’s glamorized as this titillating, intrepid way of lovemaking.
Movies and television shows depict it to be passionate, which communicates that if you’re not having sex in the shower, you are missing out.
This is what we’re supposed to think of shower sex: You’re in the shower with your man; it’s all hot and wet. The water is a magical, warm temperature and you are taking turns lathering each other up amongst thick, white clouds of steam. It’s all so effortless and sensual.
Except, no… That is bullsh*t. Though that scene may be ingrained in your mind, the reality is this: Shower sex sucks, and it’s about time someone opened up the conversation about it.
Here’s why I f*cking hate shower sex:

1. You will fall

You are standing in a shower. There is soap everywhere. If you are getting physical, it is very likely one or both of you will eat sh*t. Over the side of the tub you will go and either break a hip or seriously damage your face against the sink, toilet or the tile floor.
Shower sex is dangerous sex. And not dangerous, sexy. Dangerous, dangerous.

2. The height difference is real

If you and your sex friend are two different heights, which you probably are, the awkwardness of sex organ mis-matching will become painfully clear.
He will end up in some kind of awkward, bending position, or you’ll need to be lifted (um, against what?). If your man is going to lift you, point one is about to become your point NOW.

3. Water does not lubrication make

Though it’s fun to assume, “Oh, shower sex should be fun because you’re all wet from the water,” it’s a complete farce. Nothing will dry you up faster than water.
Suddenly, you’re having sex and your lady parts have taken on an ecosystem identical to the Sahara Desert. That does NOT sound appealing.

4. Blow jobs become medieval torture

Unless you have knees of steel, giving a blowjob is absolute hell. Kneeling on a linoleum surface for however long? No, thank you.
Not to mention, you have water running into your eyes and mouth making it impossible to see and even harder to breathe.

5. One of you will always be cold

This one goes for showering with another person in general. In a tiny, narrow shower, there is not enough room for both of you to be under the water at the same time. So, you need to constantly change places, which is awkward and in no way sexy.
The only way the two of you are getting under the shower together is if you have one of those magical rainforest showers that streams water from the ceiling. (If you can afford rent in the place that has a shower like that, well, good for you.)

6. You will get soap in places you do not want soap

When you’re trying to be cute and wash each other down — which leads to making out, which leads to shower sex —, suddenly you will be in a whole new world of pain.
Whatever seductive, “You wash my back and I’ll wash yours” thing you had going on will be replaced with a burning sensation.

7. Men and women have different shower schedules

It’s easy to say you’re not going to wash your hair when you have shower sex, but if you’re getting in the shower and having sex, girl, your hair is getting wet.
And, we all know that if your hair gets wet, you’re going to need to wash it. Herein lies the problem: Men and women have very different timetables when it comes to showering.
Showering for a man:
Wash hair: approximately 2.5 minutes
Wash body: approximately 1.7 minutes
Total: 4.2 minutes
Showering for a woman:
Shampoo hair: approximately 5.8 minutes
Exfoliate face: approximately 2 minutes
Condition hair: approximately 4 minutes
Wait for conditioner to set: approximately 5 minutes
Rinse conditioner: approximately 3.1 minutes
Wash body: approximately 2 minutes
Wash face: approximately 1 minute
Total: 22.9 minutes
Do you see how this is problematic? Do you?!

8. Having sex standing up to completion is basically impossible

Okay, so maybe not for everyone, but having sex standing for an entire session is rarely easy or pleasurable.
Have sex in any other location and take your shower after, alone. Please!

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Monday 17 November 2014

Foods that make you very happy

Clams: They are packed with vitamin B12. Low levels of that vitamin can lead to depression, as the brain needs B12 to make dopamine and serotonin.
Depressed people who had low levels of B12 (and were taking antidepressants) felt much better three months after adding a B12 supplement. If you can’t have clams every day, you can get the vitamin from other seafood, including trout and salmon, as well as beef, chicken, dairy products, and fortified cereals.
Walnuts & flax: Nuts and seeds, especially these two, are loaded with alpha-linolenic acid. In research from the Nurses’ Health Study, women who had the most ALA in their diets were less likely to be depressed. Here’s how it works: When your blood levels of ALA are low, so are you; low ALA levels fan the flames of inflammation, which has been linked to depression. What’s more, low ALA also decreases levels of the brain chemicals dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of joy, and serotonin, which inhibits anger and aggression.
Coffee: According to Nurses’ Health Study research, women who drank two to three cups of caffeinated coffee a day were about 15 per cent less likely to become depressed; those who drank four or more cups were at 20 per cent lower risk.
Yogurt & kefir: Cultured dairy products like these enhance your populations of probiotic bacteria — the healthy kind living in your gut. How it works: Your gut and your brain have regular chats via the vagus nerve, so good bacteria may be spreading a chill-out message. Be sure to buy yogurt labelled with “contains live and active cultures.”
Chocolate: It’s loaded with chemicals, such as polyphenols, that might boost your mood. In a 2013 study, Australian researchers reported that volunteers who chugged the biggest dose of a dark-chocolate drink laced with zero, 250, or 500 mg of polyphenols, also got a shot of calm and contentment.

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6 Things Women Don’t Know About Men In Bed

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Thursday 13 November 2014

++18 Head Banging: 15 Things No One Tells You About Car Sex

There’s a reason the bed has become the go-to place for relations: it’s comfortable, spacious, warm and private. However there are times when the bed is either inaccessible for some reason, or you’ve fallen out of favour with it; I tire of you, sheets and pillows, my carnal desires can no longer be housed by you.
You haven’t got money to hire a hotel for the night and you can’t get caught at the bus stop again, so what are you going to do? Hop in the motor and start revving the engine, that’s what. However, potential public indecency accusations aside, there are a few hiccups along the sexual highway that you can only truly understand after the event.


It’s not as straightforward as it looks in the movies



But they weren’t exaggerating on Titanic, it really does get steamy



There’s almost no way to be graceful or glamorous without being in a limo



Finding the right location takes a while

Nothing says romance quite like a quiet lay-by.


Someone is going to bang their head against something



You spend some of the time wondering ‘…can anyone actually see us?’



You’ll have to try a few positions until you can find something right



Cleaning up can be interesting if you’re not prepared



You notice just how dirty your car really is



Car suspension isn’t really made for bonking



It’s hard enough fitting in a bed when you’re tall, let alone the back of a car



It can get pretty nippy if you don’t bring a blanket



And you basically can’t cuddle or spoon afterward



From then on whenever you see a parked car in a quiet place at night, you know what they’re up to



Car sex ain’t that big of a deal… but it is kinda awesome


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Guy buys 99 iPhone 6s to propose to girlfriend on Single's Day – only to be rejected

A young Chinese man has attempted to celebrate China’s Singles Day by proposing to his girlfriend, except it didn’t all quite go according to plan.
The programmer, from Guangzhou province, spent the equivalent of two years salary on buying 99 iPhone 6s in order to – presumably – impress his girlfriend.
Arranging roughly £50,000 worth of Apple technology in a heart shape outside their workplace, the tech worker clutched a bouquet of flowers as a small crowd gathered to watch the young man’s heartfelt proposal – and to capture the moment on their smart phones.

A closer shot of the couple (weibo) A closer shot of the couple (weibo)
Unfortunately, the man’s girlfriend was less than impressed and turned him down in front of friends and colleagues, who then immediately shared the exchange onChina’s social media network Weibo.
Weibo users were singularly unimpressed with local media reporting most simply dismissed the man’s gesture as “stupid”.
China’s “Single’s Day” was created several years ago and has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, frequently touted as the ‘biggest online shopping day in the world’ as millions of Chinese singles take to the web to buy themselves presents.
The proposal seen from above (weibo) The proposal seen from above (weibo)
This young man may be among them as he tries to buy a present to cheer himself up. Either that, or he’s got 99 iPhones he can flog.

Wahali am still laffing at this article I always trust a 9ja babe she will gather all d 99 iphones sell dem accept d proposal and breakup a month later make the guy ni feel bad & make she get extra cash to show off to her friends hahahahahaha

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