
Thursday 20 November 2014

Don’t Freak Out! 8 Possible Reasons Your Period Is Late

We’ve all been through that fear. You hear stories of how ineffective condoms can be (Friends anyone?) or maybe you missed a pill. You definitely had sex, with a condom (hopefully) but you may or may not have told him to pull out (if that even helps). Your period was due to arrive yesterday, but it never came. So obviously, you’re freaking the fuck out. But fear not. If you’ve just noticed that your period is taking its time to come, all might not be lost. There are loads of reasons why your period could be late. If your period is late and you definitely didn’t have sex during the past month, then you’re totally in the clear. Sex is needed for pregnancy. No sex, no unplanned baby. If you had sex and you’re seriously concerned, don’t freak out just yet.

1) Stress

College is a festering pool of stress. You can experience anxiety in relation to social situations, assignments, deadlines, boy drama, and girl drama; all these things feed into each other and that does weird things to your body. Plus the fear you get when you notice your period is late only increases stress. So calm down, distract yourself, have a cup of tea and relax…it will come.

2) Change in regular schedule

Taking on new classes or extra curricular activities, like joining a society? Discovered a new show on Netflix and spend every night binging on that until 3am? Agreed to take more shifts at your part-time job? Have you been away travelling or maybe experiencing jet-lag? Even short trips away can disrupt your cycle. All that disruption in your usual day-to-day life affects you on a chemical level, especially if that change started around the time you’d usually ovulate (gross). If you don’t get enough sleep your hormones can be all over the place and that can sometimes mean that your cycle will be a couple days off, or not appear entirely. It can take your body a little time to adjust to a change in your regular routine and that can impact your cycle. Maybe it’s natures way of telling you to slow the fuck down and look after yourself. Thanks nature! Bitch.

3) Being Sick

It’s winter and illnesses are everywhere – not just Ebola – even the common cold can affect your cycle. Again it’s affecting your sleep schedule and that has a knock-on effect on your cycle. Like a change in your routine, it can delay ovulation which will delay your period. Think back a couple weeks, did you  have a cold, digestive problems, food poisoning? Anything that required a few days in bed that wasn’t the result of extreme alcohol consumption? If so, then maybe that’s why your crimson tide hasn’t reached the port yet. Plus there’s also the possibility that there may be something more serious like overactive thyroid problems. If you’re super concerned. Check in with your college campus nurse or G.P. and keep in mind that stress will make it worse, so try to keep it chill.

4) Change in Medication or Drug Use

If you have a long-term illness that requires you to take medication, like anti-depressants or steroids, if your dosage is changed that too can affect your whole body’s homeostasis. That’s why doctors or gynecologists always ask if you’re on any other medication because different medicines react to each other in different ways. Side effects of a change in your drug use can be to delay or skip a period. If you think your late period might be related to this, talk to your doctor.

5) Change in Weight

Either losing or gaining weight. Especially in a short period of time. A huge change to your weight will put pressure on your body to regulate itself and get used to its new dimensions. Don’t be surprised if this affects your period. Sometimes people who are severely over-weight or under-weight don’t have a period at all because their system is fried trying to keep them moving their limbs and keeping their heart beating. Maintaining a healthy weight and diet will not only make you feel majorly better all the time, your periods will be more regular. Don’t freak out if your weight fluctuates a few pounds a week. I’m talking severe weight loss or gain.

6) Exercising More

Not only are the side-effects of this sore muscles and toned abs, a late period is also a result of increased exercising. Again your body is going through enormous change and that can delay the release of certain hormones to begin your period. So don’t worry, keep exercising and it will show up, just give it a few days.

7) Miscalculation

No offence, but it could happen. If you’re not taking the pill, it can get confusing. You might not take note of when your periods arrived in the previous months or maybe don’t realise that most cycles are 28 days long instead of a strict monthly timeline they can vary slightly too. Why not download a period tracker app onto your smartphone or tablet. Most are manufactured with women who want to get pregnant in mind, but they are an invaluable resource to give you an idea when your period will come and how long it will last. They’re surprisingly accurate and most are free.

8) Birth Control working over-time

Birth control pills affect every person differently. We all have a unique genetic make-up and react differently to different medication. That’s why there are different types of birth control. Often if you have heavy painful periods your G.P. will recommend a birth control pill to lighten up your flow. So if you don’t usually have a heavy flow and are on the same pill as someone who generally does, that could mean you could skip a period or it could be so light that you don’t notice it. Check it out with your G.P if you’re unsure. Wait a few days though, because as you can see from this list, a number of things can contribute to a late period.
So don’t freak out. Wait a couple days and it’ll probably arrive. Then you get to forget about the stress and get to enjoy all those wonderful cramps and cravings. Fantastic!

5 People You Shouldn’t Have Sex With In College

For many of us young adults, college is not only a time where we further our education, but also a time where we further our sexual experience. As we approach college we’re informed of many of the do’s and don’ts of sex; use protection, make sure you’re ready, the list goes on. But one thing we’re not made aware of is this: five people you shouldn’t have sex with in college.
This one should be glaringly obvious
  1. Your Roommate
So you walk into your new home, unaware of who you’ll be sharing your living space with for the next year. All of a sudden, a dark haired green eyed babe emerges from the kitchen and you’re just sitting there in utter shock. Your first thought is: “Wow, I’d love to get him in bed,” but think again. You have to live with this person for the next year, and unless you want your household to turn into Geordie Shore, sex is never going to be a good idea.
  1. Your Classmate
You’re out for the night and after a few drinks you finally have the courage to chat up that nice looking fella you always see in your tutorials. However, as the night goes on and you’re clinging to each other’s sides, the deadly question arises, “Do you want to come home with me?” Before you answer this question, stop and have a little think to yourself. Do you really want to spend the rest of the year sitting in lectures cringing at yourself, knowing that the guy two rows down has seen you naked? No? Didn’t think so.
  1. Your Friends’ Roommate
You made the wise decision not to move in with a friend from home, but end up as an extra lodger at their house most of the time anyways. What’s extra fun about their place is that there’s eye candy over there, in the form of an attractive roommate. After a few glasses of wine, the smart idea would be to make a move, right? Wrong. If you plan on spending a lot of time over there, you’re just asking for trouble and making things awkward for yourself in the long run. Don’t do it. Just don’t
  1. Your Neighbour
It’s the first few weeks of college and there’s house parties galore, which means meeting lots of new people. This is all good and well until you meet the fine thing that lives next door, and decide the best way to get to know each other is by sticking your tongue down his throat. The night progresses and so does your friendship, and before you know it you end up walking back to his bedroom. Before you open that door, think of all the times you’ll have to see each other over the next year. Then think about how many times you’ll probably in your pyjamas with no makeup on, resembling a boiled crow. If you have sex, you’ll feel like you have to look your best around him forever more. Do yourself a favour and go back to your own bed, it’s only next door.
  1. Your Lecturer
What could possibly be worse than being in a lecture with somebody you’ve had sex with? Oh yeah, being lectured by somebody you’ve had sex with. When things go wrong with a sexual partner, seeing them again can be a pretty traumatic experience. Having to see them once or twice a week would be hell, never mind having to listen to them rant on and on for an hour. This one’s pretty self-explanatory, and obviously a bad idea. So yeah, just don’t have sex with your lecturer.

A Serious Case Of Blue Balls? 7 Possible Reasons She’s Not Putting Out For You

Are you deep in the depths of utter sexual frustration? Are you suffering from hand friction burn and deep, dark sadness at the total and utter lack of sex that is currently present in your life? There are of course a whole range of reasons as to why this may be the case for you, but today, Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re going to focus in on why you’re not getting any when you actually have a significant other in your life. Whether that’s taking the form of a long-term relationship gone dry (literally) or a new one where you have yet to do the deed. Here are some possible reasons she’s not putting out for you;

1) She Hates Your Guts (And Other Parts Too)

This is more of a relationship problem rather than a newly dating kind of one. Lucky you, you seem to have found yourself a real charmer. If she’s using the words ‘fine, ok, kk, whatever, yes’ accompanied by shrugging, sighing and tutting, as well as never putting out, then you may as well roll out the red carpet for her departure. You’ve totally fucked up, as in, beyond belief. However mad a girl may be, she still needs regular sex, so if she’s denying you this then you must have royally messed it all up. The real question here is, what did you do?

2) She’s Cheating On You

A combination of already being sexually satisfied, guilty, not attracted to you any more and just another sprinkling of guilt, means that you’re getting no sex whatsoever for the foreseeable future. If you’ve done nothing wrong, have been nothing but loyal and faithful and a loving, caring boyfriend and she has, for reasons you can’t quite understand, stopped wanting your D, then there’s only one possible explanation. She’s putting out for someone else. Sorry…

3) She Has An STD

Why isn’t she putting out? I’ll damn well tell you why.  She’s waiting for that case of crabs to clear up and leave her lady parts. Yes, I understand that you’re absolutely gagging for a good romp, but unless you fancy coming down with a serious case of the clap, then hold your little man captive and have some patience. Those antibiotics will kick in before you know it. Oh and on one last note. If you’re in a relationship and she ‘magically’ becomes STD infested, then see the point above.  Maybe see a doctor too.

4) She’s A Virgin

Yes, that’s right, she still has her V plates firmly attached and isn’t yet ready to shed them. Please remember that she isn’t your ‘lad’ friend and you should therefore treat this subject with extreme caution and sensitivity. The nicer and more understanding you are, the better the chance of  you getting your bit. Coax her, don’t rush her. Just do not be the dick that you usually are. No offense.

5) She’s Bored Of Sex (With You)

What the fuck are you, eighty? Scrap that, Hugh Hefner is eighty eight and still going like a rabbit (see what I did there?). What’s your excuse? Sex isn’t something that you should fall into a routine of unless you’re a commuting, long distance married couple in your late fifties with four kids and a mortgage. Is this you? If it is, then it’s a little creepy that you’re here. If not, then it’s time you mix things up, before you commit fully to a life of solidarity and solo hand loving. Follow that infamous motto and learn something new every day.

6) She Has An Irrational Fear Of Getting Knocked Up

Who doesn’t? Unless you’re Eddie Murphy (eight and counting) or any Irish family from forty years ago, then reproducing isn’t something we think about in our younger, stupider days. We’ve all been educated on the intricate importance of contraception, but that doesn’t lessen the deep, buried fear that we all harbour. What if one of those little divers just front strokes his way in there and ruins our life forever? The only true and one hundred percent effective method of avoiding pregnancy, is by not having sex. Unlucky lad.

7) She Wants Her Next Sexual Conquest To Be ‘The One’

Not a virgin, but perhaps a born again one on some level. This one probably spent the past five years riding her way across the world like a proud jockey until she landed in Thailand and decided that a life of crystal gazing and true love was the new one for her. She laps up male attention like a sunburned kid with a 99, but you’ll soon learn that taking a ride in this girls bed comes at the cost of marriage, babies and crystals in places there should never be crystals. Is it really worth it?

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Buhari, Atiku in hot social media contest

Internet Punch illustration
Former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd.), is believed to be more popular than any other presidential aspirant of the All Progressive Congress. But investigation shows that his popularity among the masses, especially in Northern Nigeria, does not necessarily translate into a huge following on social media.
There is an indication that Buhari himself, not the army of youths that have stood behind him over the years, may be responsible for his lack of activity on social media.
There is no evidence, for instance, that the former head of state operates a personal Facebook account. But some fake accounts associated with his ambition currently exist on the social network service.
Some of the few pseudo-Facebook accounts where support is canvassed for Buhari include ‘Major-General Mohammadu Buhari for President’ and ‘Gen Mohammadu Buhari/Dr. Musa Rabiu Kwankwaso to Villa’.
Buhari’s ambition is most visible on ‘Major-General Mohammadu Buhari’, another public account opened and operated by unknown enthusiasts last March. With 1,724 likes as of Tuesday’s evening, the Facebook page has become a forum for pro-Buhari discussions and exchange of ideas, though some subscribers also visit to share their disapproval of his ambition.
While it is believed that the Katsina-born retired major-general — who also lacks imprint on Twitter and Instagram — is not heavily-present in social media platforms, his fellow northerner and key opponent in APC, Atiku Abubakar, does.
On facebook, the Atiku conversation is ongoing. Opened on May 2008, the timeline has been updated to capture his campaign theme – #ANigeriaforALL. The page is a flurry of political debates. But with only 404,297 likes, many do not consider Atiku’s reach-out on Facebook impressive.
In spite of this, the page gets an hourly update, which seems to sustain the date on the debate on the Turaki’s campaign slogan.
“In the past three weeks, I have visited almost every state of this great nation, meeting people. They are asking for a change from the status quo,” Atiku posted on Tuesday.
But the change the people were asking for, one Egbuhuzo Ifeanyi noted, could only be achieved when the older generation, which the former vice president belonged to, relinquished power to younger Nigerians. Besides, he added, the presidential hopeful could contribute to the change Nigeria dearly need without occupying the top office.
In two hours, about 576 individuals had endorsed the post.
Atiku also seized the limitless opportunity offered by the cyber space to seek support for worthy causes. On Tuesday, he called on Nigerians to participate in the ongoing voter registration, saying that without it the change that Nigerians desire might not take place.
Atiku also embraces Twitters except that his imprint on the platform may not be considered good enough for a presidential aspirant. He is followed by 178,000 people from different parts of the world, while he follows 28, including Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State; South Africa’s Jacob Zuma; Leader of Mavin Dynasty, Michael Collins. He is also following a couple of corporate handles such as Arsenal Football Club.
From August 2010 till Tuesday, the politician’s Twitter handle recorded 2,414 tweets. His two tweets on Tuesday’s morning were (jointly) re-tweeted by 176 subscribers in six hours. In 24 hours (between Monday and Tuesday), Atiku has six tweets, which were all centre on his campaign.
The most regular question from his fans and foes on the social media is why the presidential aspirant- sponsored university should be so expensive. In a veiled response to this, Atiku said that private school could never be compared with government-funded education.

photos:Rolls Royce rolls out 2015 Wraith

2015 Rolls Royce Wraith
The number of luxury vehicles expected next year has risen with a new version of Rolls-Royce Wraith now being test-driven in Germany.
Indication that the 2015 edition of Rolls-Royce Wraith was being planned emerged early in the year when spy photos of the Wraith coupe were released and found in a number of online auto reports.
The new generation of the luxury brand was unveiled at the 2013 Geneva and New York auto shows.
In Nigeria, Coscharis Motors, which represents the brand, has been pushing the Rolls-Royce products with its after-sale package to the high-flying owners of the luxury vehicles.
An online report by Autoblog on Monday said it found the new version of the Wraith sportier and with more aggressive features than the last edition.
The new vehicle, it added, came “with a sportier package, more rakish profile and an even more potent version of the Ghost’s 6.6-litre twin-turbo V12 to make it the fastest and most powerful Rolls-Royce ever made.
“Spotted undergoing testing in parent company BMW’s home country of Germany, this particular Wraith might strike you as the same one already seen, save for a few telltale details.”
The report gave a few hints about the specific features of the new Wraith. “It may be wearing the same rolling stock as the existing model, with what look like the same tailpipes protruding ever so elegantly around back, but at the bottom of the front bumper and atop the rear trunklid you’ll notice more assertive spoilers added on.”
“To what end, we cannot be certain, but our spotters on the ground seem to think this is a prototype for a more extreme version of the Wraith – possibly inspired by the attention garnered by the Bentley Continental GT3-R. Could we be looking at a Wraith V-Specification like we saw with the Ghost? We’ll have to wait to find out for sure.”
The Wraith is described as the most technologically advanced Rolls-Royce in history.
According to, the Rolls-Royce Wraith is a car of considerable allure and significance.
“It is certainly the most important new model that this blue-blooded British car maker has created since the modern Phantom in 2002,” it added.
Although it acknowledged the Phantom was a watershed, it described the Wraith as a ground-breaker.
It stated, “The Phantom was a watershed, ushering the Goodwood-based firm into a new successful era. Sure, in 2010 the Ghost brought in fresh buyers – but largely by miniaturising, de-formalising and slightly discounting the Phantom’s concept.
“Search the price lists for £235k, 5.3-metre long coupés and you’ll find that the Wraith is a unique proposition.
There have been plenty of Phantom-based and Ghost-based derivatives, of course. But the Wraith is a true ground-breaker – not only the most powerful car in Rolls’ history but also the closest thing to a sports car that it has ever attempted to produce.”
Founder Charles Rolls won the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy in 1906 in a Light Twenty, for instance, and in 1913 Don Carlos de Salamanca won the first ever Spanish Grand Prix in a Silver Ghost. The current Ghost saloon — the car from which the Wraith is effectively adapted — was launched in 2010.
According to auto reviewers said the 2015 Rolls-Royce Wraith is a blend of modern technology and old-world luxury. It pampers and delights its owners.
Another online reviewer, The Car Connection, said, “The Wraith is basically the shortened coupe version of Rolls-Royce’s Ghost sedan, which is itself based on a stretched version of the BMW 7-Series platform.
“The Wraith presents at first glance like any other modern Rolls-Royce. Its tall, upright nose carries a large rectangular grille, flanked by rectangular headlights, and a relatively simple facade otherwise.”
It also noted that car would be found much more interesting, with a long, gently sloped fastback profile, smooth slab sides, and a bluff, neatly sculpted tail.
The Wraith is 17 feet, three inches long, four feet 11 inches tall, and weighs 5,203 pounds.
The roof is available with a special fibre-optic light system that mimics a star-filled night sky.
Riders will find everywhere in the cabin materials that are about the finest possible.
They are found to be rich, soft leathers, finely crafted woods, and machined metal trim elements wrap around the occupants in both rows.
Seating is laid out in four individual positions, with comfort essentially at the maximum possible for a wheeled vehicle.
Engine performance
The Wraith starts with a 6.6-litre twin-turbo V-12 engine rated at 624 horsepower.
The potent engine is capable of accelerating to 60 mph in 4.4 seconds, according to Rolls’ estimates, and on to an electronically limited top speed of 155 mph.
It can make sudden climbs and descents, as well as sharp turns that much smoother.
Even with the smart transmission, its driver cannot miss the fact it is a heavy car powered by a massively potent engine.
The Car Connection stated, “A stately ride quality is as much a Rolls-Royce trait as the Spirit of Ecstasy on the car’s bonnet, and it’s achieved in the Wraith with an electronically controlled air suspension.
Experts said the car came with the Rolls-Royce’s very solid construction and standard safety equipment.
The list comprised the force-limiting seat belts, smart airbags that could adjust to occupant size, and the advanced crash management system, which could use sensors within the car to take 2,000 measurements per second, and, in the event of an accident, to deploy the appropriate pre-emptive safety measures.
“The 2015 Wraith gets a long list of small tweaks to its standard and optional equipment list, as well as a few new customisation options,” the auto reviewer stated.

listen up ladies!! Super foods for flat belly

Many of us take a critical look at our bodies every time we take off our clothes. We scrutinise every little flab, judge and blame ourselves for that and promise ourselves to change our eating habits and work out seven times a week. Of course, most of us don’t stick to this vow – not in a world that has so many deliciously sinful options to taste from! Luckily, has come up with a short, yet effective list of foods to add to your daily diet, in order to get rid of flab. Combine these with a few physical exercises and have a flat belly in no time!
Oranges: Oranges are high in fibre and are the most effective surrogates. They also contain a high level of antioxidants which help the body burn fat.
Chicken/fish: Foods high in protein such as chicken or fish help the feeling of satiety when consumed, while they also provide energy to the body without the negative effects on weight. The monounsaturated fat and Omega-3 which can be abundantly found in fish help us maintain the line.
Nuts: These foods are rich in vitamin E, which increases the effectiveness of selenium in the body. Selenium is known for being an anti-cancer mineral which also reduces obesity levels. Foods rich in nuts such as groundnut soup could do wonders to the belly.
Brown rice: This super food can be consumed every day without having to bother about growing a pouch.
Spicy foods: Foods that are spicy aid and improve digestion, thereby leading to reduction in hunger pangs. As you munch on these foods, remember to be moderate, as too much of them could undo their benefits. However, with discipline and dedication, you can literally have your cake and eat it!

(AGAIN!!!) Housewife stabs hubby to death over money

What started as a mild argument over money turned tragic between a couple in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State after the wife stabbed her husband to death.
The incident happened on Wednesday, last week, on TK Balogun Street, Igbo Olomu, Ishawo.
PUNCH Metro gathered that the woman, Folashade Sodiya, 27, killed her husband, Jude Igbinedor, 39, around 2am after heated argument over money.
They were said to have been in a seven-year relationship, though the union had not been consented to by the parents.
They reportedly got married without approval of their parents and started living together two years ago.
Our correspondent gathered that the suspect, an indigene of Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, had a one-year-old baby for the deceased, who was an Edo State indigene.
When our correspondent visited the area on Tuesday, a neighbour, Busola Adewunmi, explained that the couple had only recently relocated to the area.
She added that the couple had barely spent five days in their single room apartment when tragedy struck.
Adewunmi described them as gentle and respectful tenants, who complied with the rules of the house, adding that Folashade was, however, temperamental while her husband smoked.
She said, “They packed into this house penultimate Saturday morning, around 5am, and the incident happened on Wednesday morning.
“On Tuesday, the wife had asked someone to lend her N1,000 pending when her husband would come back from his mother’s place where he had gone to.
“The man arrived and even bought vegetables and other food stuffs for his family. In the evening, he came out and also washed the pots they used to cook that day.
“It was around 2am that things went sore. I learnt she said he was the first to use a hanger to hit her before she also stabbed him in the chest.”
Our correspondent learnt that after Jude was stabbed, Folashade called for help. However, Igbinedor gave up shortly after.
The neighbours were said to have alerted policemen from the Owutu Police Division.
Another resident, who spoke to PUNCH Metro, said when the police arrived at the scene, they met the suspect on the floor with her baby in her hands.
The resident, who declined identification, said, “She had become remorseful by then. When the police picked the wrong knife as exhibit, she told them she used a stainless knife in killing her husband, which she also fetched for them. It was said that she wanted to take part of the money the husband brought from her mother to offset the money she borrowed, but he declined.
“She never denied killing him. But she said he was the first to attack her and she only wanted to scare him with the knife.”
PUNCH Metro gathered that the deceased’s corpse had been taken to the mortuary, while the suspect was detained at the Owutu Police Station.
A police source told our correspondent that the suspect and the deceased had been having silent quarrels before the incident.
The source said, “No one can tell what exactly caused this one. The woman, however, said her grouse with Jude was that he always gave her the impression he did her a favour by letting her have his child.
“She said she was holding the knife that night to scare him and did not know when he rushed at her and the knife entered his chest.”
When our correspondent contacted a relative of the deceased, he declined comment, referring our correspondent to the family lawyer whose contact could not be obtained as of press time.
The Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Command, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, however, confirmed the incident.
He said, “At about 1.15am on November 13, one Jude Igbinedor was stabbed on the chest by his wife, Folashade Shodiya. The victim died on the spot, while his corpse has been taken to the Ikorodu General Hospital morgue for autopsy.”
He added that the case had been transferred to State Criminal Investigation Department for further investigation.

Culled from The Punch