Wednesday 22 October 2014

50 Amateur Mistakes Guys Make On The First Date

Too many guys go out on a first date and make total amateur mistakes which always ends up with them blowing their chances with their girl. Here’s a simple guide for you to study – avoid these 50 things on your first date and you’ll do just fine.
PS, Number 39 in particular is never a good sign, and I wouldn’t blame any girl for bailing early on your date after that!
dancing animated GIF
1. Showing up late for the date.
2. Under-dressing  – showing up in sweatpants and dirty white trainers is a complete amateur mistake.
3. Greeting her dad at the door of her house with a moist, sweaty-palmed, limp handshake.
4. Stepping into the house with your dirty, mucky shoes – her mom already hates you!
5. Being too shy or standoffish with her parents when you meet them.
6. Cursing or, God forbid, taking the Lord’s name in vain in front of her parents.
7. Taking her out using the public bus as your means of transportation.
8. Only paying your own bus fare.
9. Or speeding off from her house in your “VROOM, VROOM” car, while her parents watch.
10. Sitting in awkward silence.
11. Sweating profusely through your shirt, with armpit stains emerging from both sides.
12. Reaffirming her view that chivalry is dead, by doing things like not holding the door open for her.
13.  Or not pulling her chair out.
14. Ordering her food FOR her.
15. Checking out other girls while you’re together.
16. Nonchalantly flirting with your waitress or server when you’re out.
17. Prematurely using terms of endearment such as “babe”, “cookie” or “hon.”
18. You’re texting, calling someone or just messing around in general on your phone!
19. Bringing up your ex girlfriend in casual conversation.
20. Comparing your date to your mom in any way, shape or form. Just DON’T do it!
21. Your eyes linger on her breasts for more than the appropriate amount of time.
22. You compliment her body, over her personality or her looks.
23. You make crude or offensive jokes.
24. You choose religion or politics as an ice-breaking conversation.
25. Laughing about how broke you are.
26. Being too touchy-feely – such as placing your hand on hers, or her lap, for an inordinate amount of time.
27. Not making eye contact – this gives off the impression that you’re hiding something or are really uncomfortable.
28. Making too much eye contact – this gives off the vibe that you’re too forward and will most likely creep her out.
29. Telling any story which begins with: “I was so hammered…”
30. Asking her about her ex boyfriends.
31. Being too generous and disingenuous about your compliments.
32. Agreeing with everything she says.
33. Having no views or opinions of your own.
34. Doing all of the listening and none of the talking.
35. Doing all of the talking and none of the listening – find the happy medium.
36. Not being ready for the date – remember the 3 S’s: Shower, Shit, Shave.
37. You have appalling table manners, such as slurping loudly or talking with your mouth full.
38. Being indecisive is a big turn off: make sure you have something planned!
39. Disappearing to the bathroom for a lengthy period of time.
40. Not knowing how to make your move – if you’re too tentative you will miss your opportunity.
41. Talking about how rich you are – is she picturing being with you, or your money? You won’t know if you bring this up on the first date.
42. Correcting her on little details such as grammar or basic geography.
43. Being overly-confident or cocky.
44. Going to the movies – first dates are about talking and getting to know one another and you can’t do that during a movie.
45. Drinking too much and getting drunk in front of her.
46. Not making her feel safe and protected around you.
47. Using sex as a topic of conversation is an immediate red flag.
48. Opening your wallet when you go to pay, and she sees that it’s stacked with condoms of all different shapes, sizes and flavours.
49. Desperately sliding your tongue into the end-of-the-night kiss, and it gets blocked off by her closed lips.
50. Texting her too much afterwards and coming off as desperate and needy.

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