Tuesday 21 October 2014

Ten Ways To Know You Are A Side-chick

Nowadays, some men are very smart when it comes to women. They have girlfriends who think they are the “main chicks” but are actually the side-chicks. These men know how to patch their holes when needed, but it takes being extra smart and vigilant to catch the culprit before you fall into their trap.
Let me give you an example of a side chick who found out the truth in a bitter way. She had been dating her boyfriend for close to eight years. She thought he was her last bus-stop; even his family and friends called her ‘iyawo’ until one fateful day.
She went to his family’s home to surprise him, greeted his parents who were so nice to her as usual, then went into the room to wait for her boyfriend. She noticed a stack of invitation cards on his side table. When she checked them out, she saw her boyfriend’s name on it. He was getting married to someone else.
To avoid a situation like this, note these hints.
1. He always has excuses on Valentine’s Day: Some say Valentine’s Day is when you know if you are truly the main love of his life. There is no way a guy who has two girlfriends would share the equal amount of time with both of them. One of the babes has to suffer and we all know it’s the side-chick. He might send the side-chick a gift at work – if she is lucky- while he is away to avoid questions. When it’s getting close to Valentine’s Day, that’s when he knows he has an official trip. Don’t get me wrong, not all guys are guilty of this though.

2. He never “titles” you: It’s your birthday and he puts up your picture as his display picture but captions it: “Happy birthday, dear” or “Happy birthday Shade”. This leaves room for various interpretations without incriminating him.
3. He never recognizes you on his social networks: Now, these include BBM, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. As much as we all know that some people love their privacy but this can also be a sign. I am not talking about guys who are not on social media; I am referring to the ones who are very active on social media but tell you that they like their lives private. He posts pictures about his many travels but when it comes to proclaiming his love for you, he remembers his privacy. If this is you, you might just be number two.

4. He dials or receives calls from a particular number: This is not snooping around, but sometimes, you need to be vigilant about who your boyfriend talks to. He has this particular number that calls all the time that he just always has to pick. Each time that number calls, he excuses himself. In this case sometimes, the number might not even be saved. Check that boyfriend of yours because that might be the main babe.
5. He only picks your calls at a particular time: This happens when you are not around him. He needs to create ways to be with his main chick so at that point, you become irrelevant. This usually happens mostly on weekends. The reason why he goes MIA over the weekend sometimes is because they both work during the week and the weekend is their only alone time. If he always gives excuses most weekends, check your boo!
6. Hates surprise visits: Have you tried to surprise your boyfriend at his house and he gets so cross with you. Now that reason might be because you are the side babe. He never wants you coming unannounced without calling first. He gives you the impression that he hates surprises. This is definitely because you are the side chick sweetie. Shine your eye!
7. Hardly hangs out in his house: Now, in this case, he would rather pick you up from home and take you to his friend’s house whom he knows you are very comfortable with. He won’t want to give you the liberty to become too familiar at his own house so that number 5 does not occur too often.
8. He does not introduce you as his girlfriend: Whenever he wants to introduce you to people, girls in particular, he introduces you with your first name or bestie or something of that sort, just so you don’t spoil his shine with other girls. You might just be the side chick.
9. He never keeps his promises: This is also one of the major things. He promises you things and for some reason, it seems like a million years. He never ends up giving you. If you were the main chick, he would always want you to be happy. So if he does this to you, investigate him!
10. Trust your instincts: As they always say, save the best for last. This is a very important part that human beings like to ignore. You would have seen the signs and decide to shove it aside. A girl’s instinct never lies. If you feel you might be the side chick, who knows! Maybe you actually are the side chick.
Vanessa Oluwole, a relationship expert said “You can never be smarter than the person who is watching you. If you suspect you have a very calculated sneaky boyfriend, one day, he will forget himself, and that would be your chance to find out the eye opener.”

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