Tuesday 14 October 2014

Treat Her Mean To Keep Her Keen: 5 Reasons Why It’s Always Better To Be A Bad Boy Than A Nice Guy

Ever heard the phrase ‘nice guys finish last?’ Of course you have! But the question is whether or not it’s actually true. Well I can categorically confirm that nice guys always finish last, and here’s why.

1. Girls Like A Guy With A Bit Of An Edge.

Trust me, it’s a maternal instinct that all girls have. It’s like having a naughty puppy – they love the challenge of trying to soften a guy who is rough around the edges. It keeps them interested, and it keeps them on their toes. There will never be a dull moment if a girl is dating a bad boy.
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2. Bad Boys Keep Girls On Their Toes.

With a bad boy, a girl will always have one eye on you. She’ll grow wise to your wild personality, personal issues and mind games, and she’ll even try a role reversal to get under your skin. This may involve giving you a taste of your own medicine: openly flirting with guys, teasing you in public and playing some mind games of her own. The best way to combat this is to completely ignore her actions and pretend it doesn’t bother you (even though it will). Hold that poker face – the less reaction you show, the more it will infuriate her and reaffirm that her plan isn’t working!
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3. Girls Often Find Nice Guys Boring.

After dating a bad boy, and enduring the thrilling rollercoaster ride that your wild relationship was, a nice guy just simply won’t compare. It’ll feel strange and alien to her. She’ll think that she should be keeping more of an eye on him, and will find it hard to believe that he is really that genuine. Things can fall into a rut and get too comfortable with a nice guy, and girls will simply lose interest. It’s like going to Disney Land, riding on Space Mountain, and then taking a trip on the teacups afterwards. Catch my drift?
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4. It’s Accepted That You’ll Regularly F*ck Up.

You have the reputation of being a ‘bad boy’ so she will always anticipate, and expect, you to fuck up. This works in your favour because on the rare occasion that you don’t fuck up, she is overwhelmed and rewards you for your ‘good beahaviour’ – positive reinforcement at its finest. She thinks that she’s finally drilled through your tough exterior and hit that warm, soft, squishy inside which is allegedly your heart. Of course, she’s wrong – your conscience is almost non-existent. To sum it up, the bar of expectation is incredibly low for bad boys, yet magnificently high for nice guys.
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5. Because No Matter What, She’ll Always Come Back To You.

All girls will admit to this. After she’s finally broken it off with you, as the emotional damage reached it’s tipping point and she figured out that she is never going to change you, she might find some happiness with a new ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ in her life. You’ll bump into her months or even years down the line, and there will still be that connection there. Who knows, maybe you even learned to change your ways? A lot of girls will fall into the ‘bad boy’ trap and sabotage their new relationship by jumping back into bed with you. If you take away all the arguments, jealousy and emotional turmoil which became the common theme of your relationship, you two were actually really good together, and that’s why that dangerous spark will always be there.
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In conclusion, you’re a bit of an asshole who likes to toy with girls and will stop at nothing to get your way. But hey, at least you’re not a nice guy, right?

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