Thursday 27 November 2014

10 Ways Men Can Last longer During Sex

It’s no fun for her (and embarrassing for you) when sex ends too early. There are 10 key tips in helping men last longer in bed.

10. Distract yourself with unrelated thoughts.

If you find yourself getting too excited too quickly, try distracting yourself with totally unrelated thoughts like work or college, or your grandmother’s legs. Whatever you think of, just make sure it doesn’t turn you on sexually in any way. Temporarily diverting your attention in this way can help you relax and calm down in the bedroom.

9. Switch things up.

Changing positions helps shift your attention. Also, exploring different positions makes sex more interesting and exciting for both partners while ensuring that both parties are satisfied.

8. SLOW Down!

Which would you rather supply – the best 30 seconds of her life or the best 30 minutes? Keep in mind that taking your time will help you last longer, rather than the jackhammer style Duracell bunny style.

7. Don’t go deep all the time.

If you feel that all that deep thrusting is going to make you blow the beans, try traveling less of the distance. Then when you’ve settled a little, try alternating between the two.

6. Relax yourself.

Several men find that taking deep breaths and slowing down helps them to calm down and last longer during sex.

5. “Practice” with yourself.

Yes lads, what you’ve all been waiting for – an excuse to hide your masturbation. It is perfectly healthy and natural, and doing it regularly (but not TOO regularly) can help increase your stamina and even release stress and anxiety. The more familiar you become with your body, the quicker you’ll recognise when you’re becoming too excited during sex. That way, you can slow down or change positions before it’s too late!

4. Engage regularly with a sex partner if possible.

Men tend to get worked up about their first time with a new woman that they really like (whether they care to admit it or not) and put a lot of pressure on themselves to perform. The more time you spend with one person, the more you’ll understand how their body works and the more comfortable you’ll be with them in bed.

3. Wear a condom.

Tonnes of men complain about how condoms decrease sensitivity and sex doesn’t feel as good wearing one, but if you’re trying to last longer in bed than a condom may just be what you need. And also, there is that added bonus of not picking up an unwanted STD or creating a baby!

2. Let her be in control.

It is well known that the person in control is usually the one experiencing most of the pleasure, because nobody knows what you like more than YOU! Letting the woman take control helps decrease some of the sensitivity that men feel.

1. Don’t skip foreplay.

Recent studies have shown that couples who engage in foreplay have sex for longer than couples who don’t. Less of the “brace yourself, I’m going in dry” business! Men need to understand that foreplay is also for their benefit too, and although it may not be the MOST exciting element in the bedroom, it will certainly stand to your sexual experiences in the long run.

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