Sunday 30 November 2014

Sex With Your Friend's Ex: How Long Should You Wait?

Right, so here’s the scenario: Two of your friends were going out/casually screwing/whatever! The point is, they were involved romantically… or not so romantically, as it turns out. Anyway, they’ve now broken up and one of them is coming on to you. Ew… except, you’re interested. Then comes the obvious question: How long should you wait before you can hook up with them, without becoming become public enemy number one that is???

A Day

Prepare yourself for a whole lot of hatred coming your way! Also, if you’re willing to get with your friend’s ex after only one day, what kind of friendship did you have in the first place? Besides, how much do you really like the guy/girl in question? Are they worth the aggravation and possibility of losing your friend? Serious thoughts for consideration before you take your pants off!

A Week

Very early days my friend!! You’re still in dangerous territory, as it’s extremely unlikely your friend is over the dissolution of their relationship. Watching you hook up with their ex at this point would be… well, let’s just say not fun! Even if the ex is texting you all day, sending you cute snapchats and telling you how perfect you would be together… I repeat: DON’T DO IT!!!

A Month

Ok, depending on the situation, you may be heading into safer territory here. If the couple in question were only casually sleeping together for a few months, it MAY be ok to go out with the ex. However, if they were an official couple for the past five years, it should be back to the waiting game for you!

> Three Months

Right, if you’re really considering hooking up with your mate’s ex, this is probably a reasonable amount of time to wait. I mean, when is it ever a good time? Of course, everything depends on the details of each specific case. How long you have been friends? How serious was their relationship? How much awkwardness are you willing to put up with? Most importantly, how much do you really like your friend’s ex?
If you think there’s a possibility of something great happening between you guys, go for it… just try not to hurt anyone (too much) in the process!!!

So guys what do u think? 

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Thursday 27 November 2014

10 Ways Men Can Last longer During Sex

It’s no fun for her (and embarrassing for you) when sex ends too early. There are 10 key tips in helping men last longer in bed.

10. Distract yourself with unrelated thoughts.

If you find yourself getting too excited too quickly, try distracting yourself with totally unrelated thoughts like work or college, or your grandmother’s legs. Whatever you think of, just make sure it doesn’t turn you on sexually in any way. Temporarily diverting your attention in this way can help you relax and calm down in the bedroom.

9. Switch things up.

Changing positions helps shift your attention. Also, exploring different positions makes sex more interesting and exciting for both partners while ensuring that both parties are satisfied.

8. SLOW Down!

Which would you rather supply – the best 30 seconds of her life or the best 30 minutes? Keep in mind that taking your time will help you last longer, rather than the jackhammer style Duracell bunny style.

7. Don’t go deep all the time.

If you feel that all that deep thrusting is going to make you blow the beans, try traveling less of the distance. Then when you’ve settled a little, try alternating between the two.

6. Relax yourself.

Several men find that taking deep breaths and slowing down helps them to calm down and last longer during sex.

5. “Practice” with yourself.

Yes lads, what you’ve all been waiting for – an excuse to hide your masturbation. It is perfectly healthy and natural, and doing it regularly (but not TOO regularly) can help increase your stamina and even release stress and anxiety. The more familiar you become with your body, the quicker you’ll recognise when you’re becoming too excited during sex. That way, you can slow down or change positions before it’s too late!

4. Engage regularly with a sex partner if possible.

Men tend to get worked up about their first time with a new woman that they really like (whether they care to admit it or not) and put a lot of pressure on themselves to perform. The more time you spend with one person, the more you’ll understand how their body works and the more comfortable you’ll be with them in bed.

3. Wear a condom.

Tonnes of men complain about how condoms decrease sensitivity and sex doesn’t feel as good wearing one, but if you’re trying to last longer in bed than a condom may just be what you need. And also, there is that added bonus of not picking up an unwanted STD or creating a baby!

2. Let her be in control.

It is well known that the person in control is usually the one experiencing most of the pleasure, because nobody knows what you like more than YOU! Letting the woman take control helps decrease some of the sensitivity that men feel.

1. Don’t skip foreplay.

Recent studies have shown that couples who engage in foreplay have sex for longer than couples who don’t. Less of the “brace yourself, I’m going in dry” business! Men need to understand that foreplay is also for their benefit too, and although it may not be the MOST exciting element in the bedroom, it will certainly stand to your sexual experiences in the long run.

New App Lets You Hack Your Partners Phone…

What if you, or your partner was so untrustworthy and so down right cray cray that they wanted to constantly know where you were, or say for instance wanted to read your texts or Facebook mails, or access your phonebook? Sounds a bit weird, creepy and wayyy over the top right?
Well app-arently there is a new app out that lets you do all that… It’s basically a stalking app, if I’m not mistaken.
For jealous partners it could be the ultimate app -allowing you to see everything your partner does on their phone. The mCouple app shows text messages, contacts, call history, and Facebook messages in real time. It can even show you the GPS co-ordinates of the phone, allowing you to see exactly where your partner is at all times.
One users claims the app worked on his girlfriend’s phone.
‘It really works. Thanks to this app, I am single right now because I caught my ex girlfriend cheating, ‘ he wrote on the Apps Google Play page.
Users can then track this information from anywhere by signing into an online account and viewing it all on a dashboard.
The dashboard produces charts that show which apps have been used and how often, while the person’s location is plotted on to a map.

Don’t Be Too Desperate, Too Over-Confident, Or Too Shy; The Definitive Guide To Asking Someone Out…

Nowadays there are so many different ways to ask someone out on a date, but we all know from all of the articles about creeps and assholes on Tinder that sometimes people just don’t know how to ask people out on a date. Plus Tinder isn’t the only way to meet and date people. There might be a cute girl or guy in your class and you’re thinking of asking them out but you’re not sure how to go about it. There are three basic rules when it comes to asking someone out: don’t be too desperate, too over-confident, or too shy. Keep things casual. You don’t want to piss them off or freak them out.

1. Don’t be too Desperate.

Do :
If you’re in the same class maybe suggest you work on a project together. Casually suggest you get together sometime after class. Say ‘I’ll call you sometime,’ and if you don’t have their number they will probably provide it. Nothing major, no big deal. Don’t be too keen and start texting them as soon as they walk away. Maintain a little mystery as to how you feel. Say ‘I’ll send you a WhatsApp/Viber/other messenger app.’ Super casual but non-committal leaving them the option to be wooed rather than doing the wooing. The ball is in your court and you’re being super chill about it. There is nothing to freak out about, nothing to try too hard for. You’re showing that you’re interested but not totally invested in this relationship as your one and only chance for true happiness.
‘What’s your number? What’s your number? I can’t call you if I don’t have your number. And if you’re interested in going out I really need it.’ Demanding their number is going to make you sound like a desperate loser who hasn’t gotten any in a long time. Which may be true but you don’t want them to know that. Take a breather and focus on something other than your imagined future life together. Don’t freak out when you see that they have seen your message (thank you blue tick) and message them again. ‘Hey, I just sent you a message and I noticed you haven’t replied, just wondering if your internet was down maybe because you have my number so you could have called. Maybe your phone is out of power. I’ll hit you up on Facebook maybe.’ Then proceed to write about town more messages in the space of thirty minutes. When they do get around to messaging you back, imagine how freaked out they’ll be to see that you’re obsessed with them. No one likes having a stalker, unless of course you’re Bella Swan.
Say ‘I’ll Facebook you.’ Again nothing major and doesn’t immediately suggest that you’ve fallen madly in love with them. Everyone goes on Facebook nowadays, you’re probably friends with everyone in your class already. Having a project or something in common like that will give you something to talk about and while you are messaging you can creep on his/her likes and you might find you have something else in common that you can slip into the conversation. Just don’t mention that’s why you brought it up. Be slightly cooler than that.
Stalk them incessantly on Facebook and message them constantly. Don’t freak out if they haven’t replied to your message that you’ve just sent, even though you know they’re online because you saw they liked something. The next best course of action is not to like every single one of their posts or comment on all their pictures about how pretty they look. Definitely don’t poke them to try to get them to notice you because you’ll probably just get more frustrated when you can’t poke them a second time. So you send another five messages. If they are wise they will probably block you because you’re acting like a desperate lunatic. Calm the f*ck down.

2. Don’t be over-confident.

Invite them to drinks with your friends. Not too romantic or intimate and they could always bring their friends too. It is a totally low risk option because even if they are busy or not interested you can still have a great night out with your friends. Plus you’re showing that you do actually have a life outside class and are interesting enough to have friends. You’re clearly showing them that you are interested because you’re inviting them into your friend group, your inner circle, and you’re not afraid to do it.
‘Compliment’ them on how f*cking hot they are in really crude Tinder speak: ‘You got sweet tits, I want to rub my face in them.’ Or something more subtle like: ‘I love every muscle in your body, including mine.’ Stop being gross. It would be totally justified if he/she left right then and there, no matter how much alcohol is involved. The only time these sorts of things are fun/cool/funny to say, is when you are saying them ironically. Do not lead with them. You’ll look like an arrogant toad.
Tell them you’ve heard great things about a popular movie that’s playing and ask if they might want to go see it with you this weekend or some time. Not too much of a risky option because you don’t have to make conversation in the cinema, and afterwards you can talk about the film. There’s a reason why first dates are often going to the movie. Not just the potential sneaky shift down the back. However, this is a more intimate ‘date’ and having the balls to actually ask them out on a date without being a douche or unbelievably shy is a very attractive feature.
Use some sleezy dirty pick up line that isn’t even that clever and makes them want to punch you in the face: ‘You’re Daddy must have been a baker, ‘coz those are some nice buns hun,’What’s the difference between a Ferrari and an erection? I don’t have a Ferrari,’ ‘F*ck me if I’m wrong, but isn’t your name Laura.’ You’re a douchebag. Go get drunk and party with your homeboys, because no one else is going to want to hang out with you. Unless you’re hot and in that case, you are very lucky but that train ride can only last so long.

3. Don’t be too shy.

After class maybe ask them if they’d like to go get a coffee and discuss whatever class was about. You could stick to solely class topic if you’re too shy to suggest any other topic. Maybe talk about whether or not you’re a tea person or a coffee person or an equal opportunities beverage consumer. If you can talk to your friends you can talk to the person you have a crush on. No big deal. Feeling brave enough to ask about dinner? After long day of lectures or after a college gig or exhibition ask them all casually if they’re hungry and if they’d like to go out and get something to eat with you. Doesn’t everyone get hungry every once in a while? Not too risky and potentially a great date.
Stumble and mumble and blurt out something like: ‘Yeah…ok….coffee…?’ whimpering and sweating and  then eventually after two minutes of awkward wheezing you walk away. You will just end up leaving them confused and wondering whether you were even talking to them or if you had a Bluetooth set on. And instead of asking them out for dinner, you rush off at the end of a night or after class with a: ‘I’m hungry, I’m going to go get something. OK, bye.’ You just totally dropped them and probably left the would-be suitor feeling confused and dazed and wondering if they just dodged a bullet. To be fair, they kind of have.
If you see them out in the bar or maybe even are messaging them online, ask them to let you buy them a drink sometime. Cute and flirty and they’re getting a free drink out of it so it’s a win-win situation. There’s nothing to be afraid of, plus alcohol will be involved so you will, hopefully, not be as desperately shy as you are in real life.
When you see them in a bar and they smile and wave, do not run off and throw up in the bathroom. They’re a human being too, you are totally able to talk to them. Have a shot and pull yourself together. Again alcohol will numb out any and all inhibitions, stop freaking out. The only thing that can happen is they reject you. Which would not be the end of the world. Contrary to popular belief there isn’t only one person out there for you, you’ve got options. Go explore them.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Why I shot & Killed Micheal Brown- Freed Officer Wilson's Side of the Story

Officer Wilson has been set free by a Grand Jury and won't be indicted for shooting and killing Micheal Brown who many say raised his hands in the air before he was shot.

 However, Wilson who the jury said was indeed trying to apprehend Brown in connection to a convenience store robbery,claimed that Brown was much more aggressive and that he taunted him, saying: 'You're too much of a f****** p**** to shoot me'.  Recounting how he shot six bullets into his body, Wilson said in his police interview released as part of the Grand Jury evidence,that he was completely calm at the start of the incident as he stopped Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson as they walked along the street in Ferguson, Missouri.

He claims he told them:  ‘Hey guys, why don’t you walk on the sidewalk?’ to which they replied they were nearly home. Wilson said that he told them:  ‘Okay, but what’s wrong with the sidewalk?’ to which Johnson replied: ‘F*** what you have to say’. Wilson drove off and then drove back to speak to them at which point Brown suddenly punched him and they got into a struggle as he tried to get out of his police SUV.

Wilson said he reached for his gun and said:  ‘Stop I’m going to shoot’ to which Brown replied: ‘You’re too much of a f****** p**** too shoot me’. I was yelling at him to stop and get on the ground.He kept running and then he stopped in this area somewhere. When he stopped he turned, looked at me, made a grunting noise and had the most intense aggressive face I’ve ever seen on a person. 'When he looked at me he then did like the know when people do to start running.

And he started running at me. During his first stride he took his right hand and put it under his shirt and into his waistband.  'And I ordered him to stop and get on the ground again. He didn’t. I fired, a, multiple shots.

After I fired the multiple shots I paused for a second, yelled at him to get on the ground again, he was still in the same state. 'Still charging hands, still in his waistband, still hadn’t slowed down.I fired another set of shots. Same thing, still running at me, hadn’t slowed down, hands still in his waistband. 'He gets about eight to ten feet away, he’s still coming at me in the same way.

'One of those, however many of them, hit him in the head, and he went down right there. 'When he went down his hand was still under his, his right hand was still under his body, looked like it was still in his waistband.
 I never touched him.'  At a later part of the interview Wilson went over the final moments again and described Brown as ‘very aggressive’.He said: ‘ I don’t really know how to describe it. Um, he turns, I look at his face.

It was just like intense. It was. ‘I’ve never seen anybody look like that, for lack of a better words, crazy. I’ve never seen that.'It was very aggravated, um, aggressive, hostile. You could tell he was lookin’ through ya.

There was nothing he was seeing.’  Pictures were also released with the evidence, showing Wilson's minor injuries in the fight with Brown.

If you lie to someone to make them sleep with you, new law makes it considered rape

I know some men will find this ridiculous but it's a bill being introduced by a male lawmaker in NJ. It's called 'sexual assault by fraud' and if passed, I'm sure a lot of men & women will be

Find the report from below 
Imagine this: A man woos a woman to bed with tales of his riches, fast cars and a vacation home in Monaco. But he actually lives in his mother’s basement.
Or this: A seemingly wealthy widow convinces a younger man to sleep with her on the notion that they may marry and he’ll inherit her money. In reality, she’s broke.
In both cases, someone lied about his or her status in order to have sex with someone else. Under a bill recently proposed by a south Jersey lawmaker, such actions would not only be considered dishonest. They could prompt charges of rape.
Earlier this month, state Assemblyman Troy Singleton (D-Burlington - pictured above) introduced the bill (A3908), which would create the crime of “sexual assault by fraud,” which it defines as “an act of sexual penetration to which a person has given consent because the actor has misrepresented the purpose of the act or has represented he is someone he is not.”

Singleton decided to introduce the legislation after talking to Florence resident Mischele Lewis, who had been duped into paying $5,000 to her boyfriend, Cherry Hill resident William Allen Jordan, for what he claimed was a security clearance. Jordan said he was a British military official, but it turned out he was a serial bigamist and scam artist who pleaded guilty to defrauding Lewis on Nov. 10.
Prosecutors had initially tried to charge Jordan with sexual assault by coercion, but a grand jury refused to indict him on that charge.

“I truly believe that we have to look at the issue of rape as more than sexual contact without consent,” Singleton said. “Fraud invalidates any semblance of consent just as forcible sexual contact does. This legislation is designed to provide our state's judiciary with another tool to assess situations where this occurs and potentially provide a legal remedy to those circumstances.”

As written, the bill doesn’t consider sexual assault by fraud any less serious than other types of sexual assault that are already on the books. It could be a first degree or second degree crime depending on “the circumstances surrounding the act,” punishable with 10 to 20 years in prison in the former and 5 to 10 years in prison in the latter. 
"The punishment aspect, that part we didn’t touch. The prosecutors and the judges and the jurors would be able to use discretion,” Singleton said.

Singleton said that he’s open to refining the bill so it’s not abused.

“It’s my intention, as the bill is moved through the amendment process, to ensure that while we allow for judicial discretion we don’t want unintended consequences,” he said.

The issue of “rape-by-fraud" is the subject of a new book by New York City resident Joyce M. Short, who said she married a man who lied about his age, marital status, education and military service, among other things.

_MG_7333.jpgJoyce M. Short is the author of "Carnal Abuse by Deceit: How a Predator's Lies Became Rape" 
Short, who has met with Lewis, said, “(Jordan) hadn’t threatened her. Quite the contrary. He had seduced her. But he had seduced her through a hoax, through a fraudulent means. And just like Bernie Madoff is in prison because he stole money from people by defrauding them, someone can vitiate your knowing consent by defrauding you in order to have sex.”

Short said that one of the main objections people have to the idea of sexual assault by fraud is equating it with violent sexual assault.

“My response to that is there are many ways to sexually assault a person. Violence is one of them. And there are no words that can come to relating the horrible violation of a person when that happens to them,” Short said. “But we should not look asunder. We should not simply cast away the concept that people are defrauded of sex.”

According to a memo by the Office of Legislative Services written at Singleton’s request, at least five states — Tennessee, Alabama, California, Colorado and Montana — have some sort of crime for sex by fraud. In Alabama, it’s a lesser offense than rape.

Alan Zegas — a prominent New Jersey criminal defense attorney who has represented many defendants accused of sexual assault — said the Singleton’s bill is far too broad and probably would not survive a constitutional challenge. 

“What if a man were to say to a woman ‘I love you’ and engage in sex and he really didn’t love her? It could be as simple as that,” Zegas said. “The definition is so broad that it doesn’t put the citizens of the state on fair notice of what it is that constitutes the crime.”

Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld in a 2013 article for the Yale Law Journal said that “’Rape-by-deception’ is almost universally rejected in American criminal law,” but that it shouldn’t be because “courts have held for a hundred years in virtually every area of the law outside of rape, a consent procured through deception is no consent at all.”

Rubenfeld said that in many states that do have statutes on rape by fraud, it’s only if the perpetrator impersonates the victim’s spouse or dupes the victim into having sex for medical reasons. But Rubenfeld said that’s because the case law is based on an outdated definition of rape that wasn’t really about the victim’s consent, but about her virtue.

“Rape law’s exclusion of almost all sex-by-deception claims followed from the fact that in such cases the woman had willingly had non-marital sex. Though deceived, she had willingly surrendered her virtue and thus could not claim rape,’” Rubenfeld wrote.

29 Chat Up Lines That Will Never Fail

Starting a conversation with a woman can be hard. They’re scary people, with their high heels and boobs and overall general attractiveness, and trying to talk to one for the first time can be a daunting prospect. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live in fear of the opposite sex any longer. Use any one of these chat up lines and you will be guaranteed a first date, regardless of where you are; a bar, the library, even creepily waiting for her outside her bedroom window.

“You must be a small amount of red phosphorus and I must be a tiny wooden stick… Because we’re a match.”


“Even if there were no gravity on Earth, I’d still fall for you.”


“I usually go for 8’s but I guess I’ll settle for a 10.”


“Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.”


“I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.”


“I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?”


“Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.”


“Do you have a map? I’m getting lost in your eyes.”


“I don’t have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?”


“Do you live in a corn field? Because I’m stalking you.”


“Your body is 65% water and I’m thirsty.”


“My doctor says I’m lacking Vitamin U.”


“You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pick up line.”


“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”


“Do you know what’s on the menu? Me-n-u.”


“Do I know you? Because you look an awful lot like my next girlfriend.”


“People call me John, but you can call me tonight.”


“I think there’s something wrong with my eyes because I can’t take them off you.”


“It’s a good thing I wore my gloves today. Otherwise, you’d be too hot to handle.”


“How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice.”


Are you Irish? Because when I look at you, my penis is Dublin.”


“Is it okay if  I stay here until it’s safe to go back to where I farted?”


“My love for you is like diarrhoea. I just can’t hold it in.”


“Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.”


“Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.”


“Are you from Iraq? Because I like the way you Baghdad ass up.”


Are you an archaeologist? Because I’ve got a bone for you to examine.”


“What’s the difference between a Ferrari and an erection? I don’t have a Ferrari.”


And of course, saving the best for last….

“There will only be 7 planets left after I destroy Uranus.”


Start using these chat-up lines, and your love life will improve in no time.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Erotic Literature — Part 2: Class of 69

Catch up on Part 1: The Fresher HERE
After his pleasantly shocking ordeal, Owen managed to calm himself down and finish Freshers week. He made friends and partied just like the rest of them, wandering from class to class, half  paying attention to his lecturers; his first week off  in college was going rather well.
It was Thursday afternoon, his first Economics lecture of the year. He was sitting with his new friend Chris, ogling the girls in their class with a quick game of ‘fuck or pass’ as they awaited the arrival of the lecturer. The door opened. There she was, blonde hair framing her face, those sapphire blue eyes, and he wasn’t the only one to notice her beauty this time; the room had fallen silent. Every guy in the class had their eyes glued to her. Her brilliant white blouse buttoned down in the suggestive way she wore it and her tight black skirt that left very little to the imagination. He was taken back to the previous week, his mind racing, face flushing and his red-hot blood rushing south.
“Good evening, I’m Dr. Cameron and I will be taking you for Economics this semester.” Her voice was slow and calm, her tone collected; everything about her astounded him. As she began to call the attendance sheet, he feared her calling his name. Would she be angry? Would she throw him out? Would she say nothing? He had no idea. The names trickled by as the sweat trickled down his neck, slow and steady.
“Owen Cooney?” she called
“Yeah.” he tried to sound lackluster, calm. He failed miserably. His voice cracked like that of a smoker, the words caught in the back of his throat; his volume lessened by his fear. She looked up and caught his eye. He could have sworn her eyes widened for a second but was unsure; however, she swiftly continued with the list. He wondered whether she had noticed him, whether she had forgotten what he looked like. He didn’t know, but for the moment he was ok.
As the class drew to a close, Dr. Cameron requested a volunteer. No one spoke. Owen didn’t want to put himself in the spotlight, so he stayed silent and retreated into the crowd quietly. “Right so, I’ll just pick someone at random. Owen Cooney stay back with me for five minutes.”
The class emptied.
“Well, well, well, isn’t this a coincidence. You never took my number!” she teased. Words failed him. She stepped closer to him, her face inches from his. “Did you enjoy yourself?” He nodded stupidly. She leaned in, beginning to kiss him, gently at first, while her hands slid down his chest toward his belt. She opened it, prying the leather strap from its metal buckle. In one swift motion she unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped them and pulled them down to his ankles. He jumped slightly with the shock. He felt exposed. She started to grapple at his crotch, making him hard. She took his cock from his boxers and licked his shaft, her hands cradling his balls. He felt every lick, suck and stroke. His hand clasped the back of her head and pulled her towards his dick, moving her head up and down as she sucked his cock.
She stood up and pulled him onto the floor. As he lay on his back, she stood astride his head. She lifted up her skirt, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Slowly she lowered herself onto his face and he began to lick her clit as she continued to suck his cock. They kissed and licked each other, grinding into each other’s mouths, faster and harder. He could feel his cum flowing through his shaft as she began to tremble on his face, twitching with delight.  Cock in mouth, she moaned, “I’m going to cum..” sending him over the edge. He started to cum in her mouth, feeling her wrap her experienced tongue around his tip as she too climaxed, grinding furiously, faster, and harder onto his tongue. She rolled off him and they lay there, panting, for no more than a minute before she stood up and started writing something on the table.

She handed him a small piece of paper, and whispered in his ear “Let’s keep this our dirty little secret.” And with a kiss on the cheek, she left.
He looked at the piece of paper.
On it, was a phone number.