Saturday 27 December 2014

Onome (+18)

It was on a Saturday morning (definitely not this morning cos am in the toilet *diarrhoea ish*) that I decided that I was going to do something about the excess weight i’d been adding up in a very long while. My job doesn’t usually give me the time to do workouts early in the morning before leaving my house, I was usually very tired to do anything (but maybe, have sex with any of my usual ‘bed-mates’) when I returned from work.I stood up from my bed and walked to the kitchen to give myself another sumptuous breakfast laden with fattening elements, I decided that I was going to register my fat ass at a Gym Club. If I don’t do anything about myself, before i turned 50, I’ll have to live a life of obesity and constant cardiac arrests.I finished up my meal, had a shower, dressed in casual wear and got in my car, I drove into town grinning from ear to ear like a kid, feeling good with himself about the enormous feat that he was about to achieve…I had noticed a few of those gym clubs driving around earlier, but there was always one which had caught my attention, that was the one i drove to. “PAWAHFITNESS” was boldly written on the face of the building with pictures of extremely muscular men…and a few women who didn’t really look female. The thought that had to come into my mind right then was…”how do these types of women have sex?”I didn’t go there looking for muscles obviously…just to work out and keep my humble self in good shape, so that ladies wouldn’t have to start treating me like a ‘Sugar Daddy’. I walked up to the dude sitting behind the reception desk to make enquiries. He laid down the different programmes they had for me. I was quite awed by the very expensive amount it had to take me to work out in such an outfit.I grumbled a few but chose one of their programmes which came at a moderately affordable price. I asked if I could start on the same day and I received an affirmative answer.My trainer, a fairly muscular lady who looked sexy in her tights told me that she would only instruct me for a month, as a beginner, and after that, I was going to be given my ‘freedom’ to do whatever I wanted to, I accepted.She introduced me to the rest of the group of newbies’. When I met this group, I realized that my coming to register in this Gym  was probably the wisest decision I had made all my life. The person I was afraid I was going to become when I turned 50 was nothing compared to the ‘entities of flesh’ that walked around in sports wears and track suits waiting to be trained by the instructor.I had never seen so many fat people gathered in one place in such manner in my life. So I was genuinely apprehensive…and careful, not to hurt any feelings so they wouldn’t have to grab me and rain hell on me.But among all the massive people that i saw there, there were a few normal ones. Some were just like I was.People who were looking to get back in shape and it was among these few that I noticed a very pretty lady. Shewasn’t fat, but also wasn’t the normal average shape a woman usually is. Kinda like the Jennifer Hudson size.She wasn’t wearing one of those skingripping outfits that the others were killing their selves with. She was in one of those army combat shorts, with a navy blue T-Shirt over it, and white sneakers. Over the course of the month in which I had tobe under the sexy female trainer, I got closer to her and found out a fewdetails about her.Her name was Onome, She hails from the Ibo speaking parts of Delta state. She was an Estate Agent in one of the biggest firms  in the City and perhaps the whole country in general, and then it felt like I’d hit my face against a brick wall when shebrought it to my knowledge that she was in a serious relationship which she hoped would lead to marriage. I felt all my ‘aspirations’ vanish from my mind.Yeah, I knew the type of guy I was and the fact that I had wanted to fuck her from the moment I’d set my eyes on her. But when a lady talks about something as important as getting married to the man she loves, there was nothing I, or the evil person that existed inside of me, could do about it, that is the single strip of dignity left in me.So we were ‘just friends’ for a few weeks, before fate decided to throw a whole lotta madness at us. Onome called me one day, crying over the phone to tell me that the guy she was supposed to marry had ended their 5 year old relationship. I suppressed the urge to be internally jubilant over such news. She was crying for heaven’s sake.I was supposed to console her and not be happy that the brick wall which I’d hit earlier had been bulldozed out of my way. I should have just tried to console her over the phone and wish that things wouldbe well with her, ended the call and bring that episode to an end. But instead, I told her that I was coming over to her place to find out what was going on. On my way there I keptasking myself one question. Why did she call me? I wasn’t one of her ‘besties’ like girls like to call their closest friends.A girl usually calls another girl to tellher about her relationship problems, or even if it’s a guy, it should be one you’ve known for quite a while. One who knows you very well and would know exactly what to tell you.I’d barely known Onome for a month. We saw each other every week at theGym Club,we had friendly lunches andsipped a few drinks, talked about a few things. I had totally accepted to be placed in the “very cool male friend” zone. But the question of why she was telling me about her break up and crying over the phone while she did still troubled me. As I approached Onome’s premises, i madea mental note to myself that i would strongly prevent myself from doing anything with her.Well… *sigh*She welcomed me to her lush apartment, well furnished and very tidy. Unlike my place in many ways. She was trying to force a smile on her face as she thanked me for coming. She was putting on a tshirt over pyjama trousers. Her hair was undone. It was a Thursday evening, the break-up had occurred the previous day so i guessed she must have spent the whole night crying. She told me she called in sick today, so I would know why she was still in her sleep wear. She didn’t look like she had taken a bath or eaten anything that day. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Her face looked pale, she was indeed a very sad being.This was the thing that love did to humans…and girls especially.Thank goodness we do not have the capacity to fall in love Joe, the voice in my head said. I agreed with him on this one.She explained to me how it all happened, and how she noticed how he had begun to withdraw himself from her, more with each passing day. She had tried all her best to fix the rift. But nothing she had done seemed to help the situation. I did mybest at listening to her story. I really felt sad for her when she began to weep towards the end of it.Go over there and try to console her!Yeah, that was what i was supposed to do right?No, I’ve watched enough Nolly/Hollywood movies to know exactly the things that would happenafter I put my arms around her to stop her from crying her eyes out.I stuck myself to the seat I was sitting in and asked her a few questions. i asked questions based onmy experience of hearing people talk about long term romantic relationships since I’d never been in one. But no matter what I found out from her, it wasn’t going to bring her man back. So it was quite clear that Onome was back to being among the single men and women of the general society.Her crying didn’t stop; she just couldn’t believe that she had been dumped, I sighed deeply, got up from my seat, walked to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, gently, making sure to make that gesture as friendly and platonic as possible, and told her that things weren’t so bad.I didn’t know how she felt at all; I’venever experienced such a feeling before. But I went ahead to tell her that i knew how she felt. My eyes which were supposed to be focusing on her face and trying to turn it from being sad into being happy now trailed downwards and noticed the way her boobs, which were surely absent of a bra, bounced lustfully each time she sobbed. So from standing just before her and trying to console her as friendly as possible,I was sitting beside her on the couch,my right arm around her shoulder andher head just below my chin.I rocked her gently and told her that it will all be okay. So far so good, nothing ensued between us as we were in that position. But how do I ‘safely’ get out from this position? That was the question that now occupied my thoughts.Then suddenly, Onome carried her head up and turned her face to mine, tears flowed freely down her cheeks.She looked me deep in the eye without blinking for 3 or 4 seconds. I was puzzled as to why I was being looked at in such a manner. I asked her if she was alright. Instead of an answer, she asked me one question that totally threw me off.“You came here because you wanted to fuck me, right?”I was shocked, genuinely shocked, myeyes bulged, my jaw dropped. I had anopen mouth without words coming outfrom it. Totally speechless. SAY YES, YOU IDIOT! SAY YESSS!!!, the evil Joe told me.I ignored that voice in my head and asked Onome what she was talking about. She repeated the question. This meant I hadn’t imagined it being asked the first time, I pulled my hands from around her and tried to get up from beside her, my intention was to feign annoyance and act like she had hurt my innocent feelings so badly.Just as I made to get up from the couch, Onome grabbed the collars of my shirt and brought her lips to mine…she hesitated for a second, as if to reassure herself about what she was about to do, then she kissed me.Her kiss was slow at first, like she was testing the waters, to know if tofully go in or back out. But she didn’t back out. Her tongue was already working, as she tried to force it into my mouth. I wasn’t resisting her, neither was i accepting her.I just allowed my mouth to be invadedby this lady explorer. Her kiss lingered on for a while, and when she saw that I wasn’t responding she removed her lips from mine, and looked away. She didn’t say anything…didn’t try to apologize. I held her face in my left hand and turned it towards mine. She couldn’t look me in the eye. She seemed ashamed. I held her face long enoughfor her to look at me, and I could see the need in her eyes. The need to gether mind off the ache that had formed in her heart. Then i told her…“I didn’t come here because i wanted to fuck you. I came here because i love you…and I want to make love to you”Till this day, I cannot explain how those words had come out of my mouth. But I was glad that I told it to her, just after I said it, I returned her kiss, then things got heated up between us and we startedto really feel each other up. That day was one day I became very grateful to whatever it was that hadled me to that gym club because it was through the gym that I met Onome, and it was there that I had gotten the strength that it took me to carry her in my arms from the sitting room to her bedroom. She wasquite heavy, and it surprised even her that i was able to lift her and carry her to the bed.When we had both laid on the bed and her clothes had been gotten rid off, Ithen began to explore Onome’s body. I’ve been with very few thick ladies in all my years of sexual adventure. But none of them had had skin as beautiful and smooth as Onome’s. Her boobs were large and round, withperky nipples and darker areolas. Shewas smoothly shaven. Not one single strand of hair on any part of her body except the rumpled lock on her head.Her pussy was perfect. The massive flesh of her thighs, her well rounded butt-cheeks, her flared hips…this was the body of a goddess. You might not agree with me, but i am writing from experience ( ._.)Through all the while that my hands explored her beautiful body; our mouths were locked in a series of fiery kisses. Her voice had become softer, and her moans had started.I laid above her on the bed, my hands placed beside her, and our lips planting kisses on each other. I had told her that i wanted to make love to her. So that was what i was going to do. I kissed her all over her body and finally brought my tongue to taste her pussy. She had one of the prettiest i’d seen. It was a pussy meant to be eaten, i held both her thighs apart and put my tongue to work.She went haywire right then and it occurred to me that her ex-boyfriend, whoever he was, had never done this to her before. EatingOnome’s pussy could have been likened to sailing in a raging storm. She was everything but calm, I had tohold her legs still to prevent her from crushing my head with the massive thighs she possessed. The cum that spurt into my face surprised me, her orgasm had come earlier than i’d expected. My mouth was filled with her juice.I removed my face from her pussy, her breathing had increased, i was happy with myself, I laid on the bed beside her, she was stark naked while i was still clothed, she kneeled on her bed just beside me and startedtaking off my clothes, she tried to take off my shirt but i wasn’t giving her any support, she felt i wasn’t interested in really shagging her, she abandoned my shirt and went for my zipper, she unzipped my fly, unhooked my trouser and freed my dick, it was in a semi turgid state, it wasn’t really hard neither was it completely soft.She smiled as she brought out my dick, I still laid there, forming been oblivious of the situation, I wasn’t shy and i couldn’t really explain why Iwas numb and inactive, I just told her a few minutes ago that i would love to make love to her and now here, I couldn’t explain why i was inactive with her gestures after she just came.Instinctively she also didnt mind my not responding to her moves, she went ahead, i guess hoping that I would join her some point down the line. One reason why I wasn’t sure about her is that the boyfriend mightbe on his way to her house to apologize only to find me shagging hisgirl. I would not like to be featured inPM News or Linda Ikeji about how jealous lover kills girlfriend’s lover.She started with licking my dick, I still maintained my position, laid back staring into the ceiling, she began tolick more intensely, giving me a handjob in the mix as she continued to lick my shaft, then she started sucking, it got more interesting for me, I was grunting in my head but i dint make a sound until i felt the tip of my dick at the back of her throat.Hmmm, I knew this was gonna be a revenge sex, I began to play my part of rebound guy more actively as i finally let myself enjoy it. She began burping up and down on my shaft, making pop sound as she spat and sucked on my dick.I held her head as she sucked intensely, i was enjoying the pleasure as she kneeled by my side. I held her head and began to fuck her mouth, my semi-turgid dick became a raging bull with my erection already at 99%. I continued fucking her mouth for a while.My own moans also became louder as she removed her head and replaced with her pussy, then she began to bounce up and down my waist as she sat on me. The sight of a chubby girl bouncing of my dick was good, her boobs were defying gravity as they continued to swing at their own accord. I wanted to fold my hands underneath my head and watch how this plays out but I wanted more. So, I made her kneel ontop of me, with her hands beside my neck then i began to jerk her from underneath.Her boobs dangled underneath her, swinging in front of me from left to right, I managed to trap one between my lips as i began to bite, suck her nipples . I began to thrust harder and faster into her, as i felt this was some sort of extended exercise from the gym. For a chubby lady, Onome can fuck well, I did a 100 fast strokes and slowed and fucked her harder, that one always made her scream harder, we continued for a while and then my nut signalled, i had less than 10 strokes to cum then i began to fuck her deeper than i had done earlier, I removed my dick as i was about to climax and allowed my cum pour out behind her ass. My dick was still hard but drooling my cum.She started rubbing the entrance of her pussy against my dick, i knew thisnight will get crazier than i thought.

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