Thursday 1 January 2015

Uncle Frank (+18)

We had just finished learning French, a subject that I have never liked, and were lounging around the classroom telling separate tales when the Vice Principal of academics, Uncle Wale walked in with ayouth coppa.I had been listening to Sabina tell me about how a boy in the other SS3 class has been asking her out and sending her love letters… but immediately the VP walked in with thecoppaI lost all interest in her stupid fairytale and gawked at the young NYSC dude with my mouth agape. He was themost beautiful boy I had ever seen in real life, maybe even more pretty than the ones on TV. My heart beat faster as he walked in, with a swagger that oozed confidence. It felt like the whole world froze around meimmediately he stopped just beside the VP and glanced around the class with his gaze catching mine for a split second.His spectacles sat well on his cute nose and his pretty eyes pierced through them. His tall, well built frame looked imposing beside the short and round Uncle Wale. I was still appreciating the wonderful work of creation that was the youthcoppawhen Sabina nudged me repeatedly until I snapped out of my reverie.She was whispering to me that thecoppawas cute, and I looked at her like I didn’t have any interest in him at all. I frowned and let out a small hiss. Uncle Wale had spotted me interacting with Sabina and asked me to stand up. Standing to my feet, I noticed the weakness in my knees and the slight moistness between my thighs.In my daydreaming, I had wet myself a little. I hoped to God that it wasn’t showingat the back of my skirt. Uncle Wale was asking me why I was not paying attention, but I lied to him that I had been. My shaky voice betrayed me, I stole a glance at thecoppaand the realisation that his awesome gaze was being focused on me gave me goosebumps.I felt one arm with the other hand there they were, rising off my skin. Uncle Wale asked me what the name of thecoppawas but I couldn’t tell him. I felt so ashamed. Uncle Wale stared at me without talking, so did thecoppaand everyone else. Uncle Wale then asked the class without his eye leavingme what the name of thecoppawas and they all replied in unison…“Uncle Frank!”I looked at Uncle Frank when they screamedhis name and noticed a half-smile on his lips.Gosh, he was so damn beautiful, I wanted tojump at him and use him right there in the class.Uncle Wale told us that thecoppawas going to be teaching us Further Maths for the period he would be with us. There were murmurs in the class as few of the studentsdid not like Further Maths. The teacher whotaught it was also our Mathematics teacherand we collectively hated him. I didn’t reallylike Further Maths but for the sake that Uncle Frank would be teaching it, I imaginedthat I would discover a part of me that likedthe subject.A few weeks passed and I somehow managedto get close enough to Uncle Frank that he told me to call him just Frank whenever we were together. And that became often, as Ialways had a difficult problem in FM I wanted him to help me out with. I wasn’t the only student who did this, and I tried not to make it appear suspicious that I always wanted to be around him. I liked Frank a lot.When ever I got as close to him as smelling his cologne, my heart always beat faster than usual. I liked the sound of his voice andthe way he smiled all the time. He always dressed smart, and the geeky look his glasses gave him was too damn sexy for me. When I went home from school every day I relived the moments I shared with him over and over again. the more I thought of him, the more my body stirred and my pussy got wet.I touched myself and imagined it was him touching me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear with his sexy voice. This kept happening more often to a point that I couldn’t take it anymore. I was just about to turn 17 but I had a burning sexual desire that I needed to quench. I wasn’t a virgin but only I and two other people knew about that. The idiot who did it was miles away from me and my friend Sabina whom I’d told in confidence, hoping she hadn’t leaked it toanother person. I guessed Uncle Frank would be in his mid twenties, and might consider himself too old for me, but I was determined to have him fuck me.I managed to find out where he lived and decided to pay him a visit one late Friday afternoon after school. I had hurriedly rushed home and changed into a cute dress Ihad, applied a little make up on my face withmy mom’s kit and went to his place. I made sure to go with the assignment he gave us the previous day so it wouldn’t seem like I’d gone there for what I was actually going there for.Uncle Frank opened his front door for me after I’d knocked twice and was genuinely surprised to see me. He was in singlet and shorts and the sight of his huge biceps mademy loins tingle and the butterflies in my stomach acted like they were on some hard drug. Gosh, I wanted those hands holding me down while he pounded me. I told him I needed his help with the assignment and he hesitated for a little bit before allowing me to enter his apartment. His single bedroom apartment looked so comfortable. He had been watching a movie when I walked in but put off the TV so we could concentrate on my assignment.He dragged another chair to the study tableas I sat and opened my textbook. The whole time my heart just kept pounding in my chest. I stammered a little when he asked me a question. My eyes kept ogling his strong arms even when he’d put a tshirt on.His sweet cologne filled my nostrils and made me sexually uneasy.His soft voice was tingling in my ears. I wanted him so bad, I wasn’t even seeing thefigures. My world was just spinning around and around me, until I interrupted him and told him I needed to use the rest room. He showed me where it was and I went in thereand closed the door behind me. I breathed in deeply until I regained my senses. I was beginning to wonder what I was doing.Why did I even come to his place? What if he didn’t like me the way I liked him? What if he has acoppagirlfriend that he’s being faithful to? I asked myself all these until I heard him call me from outside the rest room to ask me if  I was okay. I told him yes,flushed a WC I hadn’t used and rinsed my hands. I stepped out of the room to see him standing by the door way to the sitting room looking worried. He looked so damn inviting in the tshirt and shorts, hands folded and feet crossed and wondering whatwas going on with me.I didn’t know what got into me but I walked up to him and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. I didn’t care what he did after that, just as long as he let me kiss those soft lips of his. My tongue found his, and he responded. He held my waist with his hands as we shared that passionate moment, thensuddenly he pushed me away. As I’d feared, he didn’t want me as much as I’d wanted him. He apologized numerous times after we’d disengaged, and told me how what we were doing was wrong. I didn’t say anything, as shame washed over me. I couldn’t even look him in the face. I just walked to where I kept my books and quietlypacked them up and turned to leave. I murmured my own form of apology and made to leave but Uncle Frank held my arm before I left and told me…“Vanessa, you’re a very pretty lady and I like you a lot, even since the first day I saw you stand in the class, I knew there was something about you. But you have to understand that this cannot work. Don’t be angry at me, okay?”I nodded my head and left.My weekend was fucked. I couldn’t do anything, all I thought about was Uncle Frank and those words he told me. I could hardly eat. My heart was just heavy all through. Even in church, I kept trying to spot any dude in glasses that looked like Uncle Frank. But they were all ugly and hideous. None was as pretty as him. Even Joseph, the guy in the choir who I’d admiredfor a while became an ogre to me. I slept and dreamt of him. I wanted to be with him. I wanted him inside of me. That Sunday night, I masturbated myself to sleep, anticipating our Further Maths class on Monday morning by 11:45.On Monday morning, I couldn’t wait till 11:45. I was restless, I occasionally went tothe staff room to peep in on him and check what he was doing. He had been marking notes all morning. When the time got to 11:30 he was getting ready to come to our class. I managed to follow him unnoticed as he left the staff room and made his way to the staff restroom to ease himself.The devil that was inside me combined with my obsession for him convinced me to follow him into the restroom, and I did. Just as he entered and made to close the door behind him I rushed in and hurriedly closed the doorand bolted it. And just before Uncle Frank could protest I jumped on him and removed his glasses, throwing it into the sink as I voraciously kissed him all over his face. I didn’t care about rumpling his shirt or my uniform, I didn’t care for anything at all.Uncle Frank had been unwilling at first but later his hands began to roam around my body and soon he found my waiting pussy which had drenched my panties. I gasped when he dipped a finger into me. I looked into his eyes and saw confusion and uncertainty. I smiled and told him I wasn’t avirgin. The look on his face was priceless and I enjoyed it, then suddenly I dropped down and put my hand into his already unzipped fly to drag out his erect penis. It seemed the urine that he had come into the restroom to urinate had found its way back into his bladder as his urges had taken over.I quickly put his dick into my mouth before he changed his mind, and once his hard dick was inside my warm mouth I knew my mission was accomplished.I wasn’t very good at sucking dicks as I’d done it just once before but I managed to make him move his hips and groan deeply as I sucked hard on his massive erection. I couldn’t even take half the length of it in my mouth. He was quite huge. When he began to grunt as if he was about to cum I stopped abruptly and stood up to face me.We shared a moment of silence as time ticked on around us and then he understood,he brought me close to him and raised up my skirt, he grabbed my big soft ass and squeezed hard, my pussy was overflowing. I saw desire in those pretty eyes, the kind of lust that had made men do crazy things without caring for the outcome of their actions.  He quickly turned me around and bent me over, I rested my hands on the sink as he pushed my small panty to one side and gently urged his turgid penis into my vagina.I hadn’t had sex since I got disvirgined and nothing had gone into me since then so I held his arm and urged him gently inside me. I never knew my pussy could accommodate that monster dick of his, but the feeling was intense and awesome. A tear came to my eye as I enjoyed the pain that came withthe pleasure of being penetrated again, andbefore long all I could feel was ecstasy as Uncle Frank held my hips and pounded me from behind…inside the staff rest room.I tried my best not to make the sort of noise that would attract ‘intruders’ but thepleasure was becoming too much for me to handle. Uncle Frank went faster and faster, harder and deeper until he couldn’t stop himself from grunting like a rhino humping his mate. I felt my heart almost explode at the joy that this feeling broughtme. My knees weakened, my cum gushed from my pussy and made it even easier from Uncle Frank to pound me harder. I didn’t want this to end. I wanted to straddle him right here in the restroom if I could.Uncle Frank’s speed increased as he pounded me furiously until I let out a small shout, and then his seed shot right inside me until I felt it in my womb. I would gladly have his baby if he wanted me to. I let him thrust his dick slowly until his climax passed, then I reached for the roll of tissuepaper and gave it to him. He cleaned up the cum that had dripped and flowed down my thighs and made sure I was dry before cleaning himself up and zipping up. I wore my soiled panties and rearranged my skirt till it looked like nothing had happened. Then I helped him with his glasses and tucked his shirt back in till he again looked the smart Uncle Frank all the girls in the school admired. I smiled at him even if he didn’t smile back, obviously ashamed after his orgasm and the fact that he cummed inside me, then I gave him a kiss on his lips and stealthily managed to walk back to the class without being spotted.I was all smiles when Uncle Frank came into the class for his subject, 12 minutes late. He tried his best not to look at me, even when I raised my hand to answer his questions he hesitated before pointing at me to answer. I knew he was just being shy about what had happened and I knew he would get over it soon…maybe after our next session. I smiled at that thought, and anticipated it.  I was so happy for the rest of that day. Finally, I had gotten my heart’s desire. My sweet Uncle Frank.

Original writer prefers to remain anonymous
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