Monday 29 June 2015

You Can Talk About Anything: 14 Signs You’re In The Right Relationship

Relationships are tricky under any circumstances. But when you find the right one, you just know. They’re your best friend and your other half. You can talk about anything and just sit around doing nothing together. Pure bliss. Here’s the 14 signs you’re in the right relationship.
1) You can make each other laugh.
Full on. Tears streaming down your face, gasping for breath, ugly crying, laughter. You could have laughing fits for over 10 minutes together about absolutely nothing.
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2) You can slag each other without offending them.
Just like you would with your best friend, you can slag them so much it would be offensive to anyone else.
3) There’s never an awkward silence.
You could sit together and say nothing for days. Doesn’t bother you at all.
4) You still tease and flirt with each other.
You flirt with each other like you’ve only met. The spark lives on!
5) You can fart in front of him.
That’s true love, right there.
6) You will always try and cheer each other up.
When one of you isn’t feeling that great you’ll drop all your plans and hang out with them just to make sure they’re okay. So sweet.
7) He brings you chocolate when you’re PMSing.
He’s not disgusted by the word “period” (or maybe he is but he doesn’t show it). He rolls with your mood swings and soothes you with sweets and back rubs.
8) “Netflix and chill” actually means Netflix and chill.
There’s no code names here. When you say “Netflix and chill” you mean get out the matching onesies and watch 3 seasons of Breaking Bad.
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9) You each have your own friends and shared friends.
He has his friends, she has her friends and you both have a group of mutual friends. You both understand that you have to spend time with your own friends every once in a while. You’ve got each others back.
10) You have differences that aren’t that big of a deal.
Your opinions differ on countless things but you listen to each other and try to grasp their point of view. (Even if it’s definitely, absolutely 100% wrong.)
11) Your sexy time is great.
It always has been and it always will be. End of.
12) You never fight over stupid things.
Yeah you fight, everyone does. But it’s never about him liking some bitches Instagram. Get over yourself.
13) You make a good team.
You have this un-established rhythm that just naturally materialised.
14) You can talk about ANYTHING.
No topic is too taboo. Poo, fetishes, porn. Bring it on

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