
Sunday, 21 December 2014

lesbianism!!! Lagos girls caught in the Act {Photo} 18+

We have gotten to an era in Nigeria where bad things don't look like sin anymore! I remember when I was much more younger ( I still be small boi) it was a freaking taboo to hear of girls together and worse of guys together but now it like oh she is a lesbian? Cool!!! Nobody gives two fucks about it anymore it's so bad that a lesbian friend of mine then actually told me that she must marry a girl like herself chai I taya that period sha bcos she was bold to say it! I guess most of u guys reading this must have  had different experiences with lesbians (that's if ur not one ) *speaking for the ladies out there* *running and avoiding bottles & thunder they are already sending to mi* lmao.
Well I knw u guys clicked on the link or the topic bcos una wan see naked gals evul ppl hahahaha una just too spoil una no even send wetin I dey talk sef na to look pix move on una sabi oya make I no disappoint una the photos will be available on the links below.

Well these two lagos girls indecent act was exposed online by one of their friends who had a fight with one of the girls.

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Saturday, 20 December 2014

OMG!!! Heart broken dude post nude & sex pixs of his Ex girlfriend {PHOTOS}

Some Guys are Really stupid, so a Guy went ahead and shared this pictures on social media Just because a Girl broke his heart??? some girls are Also Weird, Why Would You Let a Guy snap you in these positions?? Hahahahahaha but somehw somehw we all have done crazy sexy pixs sha oh! Am guilty but I don't share on social media am that selfish! 
Now who will suffer from this cheap publicity? The dude or the babe? Hope I would here tomorrow that the babe committed suicide oh! Lmao

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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

OMG! See what a woman did to her son. she cut off his genitals (Photos)

A 30 year old mother cut off her son's sex organ in Manengole, Nkongsamba, in Cameroon.

The poor innocent 3 year old child named Njankep Alexandre is presently in a protestant hospital in Ndoungue under intensive care while the mother is in jail awaiting trial.

She hasn't yet said why she did this to her own child.

This is despicable! Unbelievable! See what the woman did to her son after the cut...

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Bitch or Bestie: The 6 Types Of Friends Your Girlfriend Has

If you’ve just started going out with girl, you’re going to be going on dates, meeting around the back of pubs or hanging out beneath one anothers bed-covers. But as time goes on, you’re going to start meeting a few mates of hers. Some of them good. Some of them will be your new best mates. Others are the worst people you will ever meet. We list the most common examples here:

1) The Fixer

More commonly known as her ‘bestie’. This girl is going to absolutely adore you, and spend every waking minute making sure that everything between you is going amazingly. If she’s a little bit upset, the Fixer will give you a heads-up, tell you what’s bothering her and what to say. She wants nothing more than everyone to be happy. And if she dumps you, she’ll give you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and say she wishes it could have worked out. On the other hand, if you dump your girlfriend, this girl will become a towering thunder bitch from hell, making sure you never get near her ever again. Expect a lot of screaming at night clubs. Angry ones, not fun ones.

2) The Flirt

That one girl who isn’t so much a friend, as someone who hangs out with your new missus out of habit. Weirdly, she never seems to look anything less than incredible when she knows you’re around. And she always makes comments about how good you probably are in bed. Anytime your girlfriend wants to go home early, or gets annoyed that you aren’t around, the Flirt will be the very first person to jump to your defense. Even if you’re totally in the wrong and she’s totally dissing her friend. Don’t go anywhere alone with this girl, because it is guaranteed to end with you as a single pringle.

3) The Bitch That Hates You

Amongst her friends, she’s typically known as the Drama Queen. The one who loves nothing more than going out, getting pissed and getting the ride. She has absolutely no time for slowing down, watching a quiet movie and definitely not for relationships. As a direct result of this, this Bitch will be passive aggressive to you at best and roar drunken insults to you at her worst. She’ll ridicule every hobby you have, call you a knob for everything you do and outright retch whenever she sees you and the girlfriend together. If it’s possible, avoid her at all costs. If not, assassins are relatively cheap nowadays…

4) The ‘Whatever’

This is a little like the Bitch stereotype, because she’ll come off as really cold. A lot of her friends will make a little bit of effort when they meet you, but this one just doesn’t give a shit. As far as she’s concerned, you don’t even exist and she is flat out not going to talk to you unless she has to. Maybe she has a crush on you. Maybe she doesn’t expect you to last long. Hell, maybe she plain just doesn’t like people! Whatever the reason, get used to her. If ‘Whatever’ and your girlfriend are good friends, prepare for a lot of stony, ball-shriveling silences whenever you’re left alone together.

5) The Threat

The lad friend. The guy. The one who is way too close to your girlfriend and throws dirty looks at you at every opportunity. And yet he’ll be nice as hell to your face whenever you guys are talking. But he’ll still manage to throw in the occasional jab. Maybe he’ll say something like “Ah but your course isn’t very hands on, is it?”. Or “I dunno man, I dunno if I could work in a job like that (your job), it’d just be demeaning.” Worst of all, your girlfriend probably can’t even see this happening in front of her nose. She’s just assures you that they’re really close friends. Nothing would ever happen between us”. But if you ever have a fight, you know the Threat will be right there, with a bottle of wine, and a shoulder to cry on. The dirtbag.

6) Your New Bestie

On the flip side of the coin, you might find that rare breed of girlfriend mates: the one who was custom made for you. Whether it’s a guy who supports your team, a girl who loves an obscure TV show you’re really into or whatever, you guys will click instantly. If it’s a girl, your girlfriend might get really worried that you’re going to start preferring you New Bestie over her, so be careful not to be too enthusiastic. If it’s a lad though, go nuts. Actually, scratch that. Go crazy. Everyone loves a good bromance.

Friday, 12 December 2014

BBM 2.6 the future. ......updated

The updates just keep coming. BBM 2.6 is available starting today for iOS, Android and BlackBerry Smartphones and, as always, we’ve incorporated your feedback to improve the BBM messaging experience.
Send Stickers in Group Chat
Group StickersOne of your most requested features, stickers in groups, is now available. Tell your group what you’re really thinking with a big, bold sticker. (My favorite is Lil’ Frenchie). Speaking of stickers, don’t forget aboutour current promotion – All BBM sticker packs are $0.99 USD for a limited time.
Yours to Control
Timed message
Timed messages are the best way to send messages and pictures that aren’t meant to last forever*. I use it for sending and receiving gift ideas for the holidays! You told us that every now and then you need to send a longer timed message, so we’ve increased the length of the timer option – you can now set a timer that lasts up to 60 seconds. As well, these timed messages and pictures can now be viewed multiple times until the timer expires.
iOS 8 and iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
BBM Channels
BBM now looks more at home than ever before on iOS 8. A fresh new look and feel has been applied to BBM for iOS, and we’ve updated the app to support the new screen sizes of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. You can’t help but notice the sleek and modern design updates like a flat UI and attractive transparencies. These adjustments make BBM look sharp across supported Apple devices.
Landscape Mode
BBM for Android now supports Android 5.0 Lollipop and a brand new landscape mode. How about D’s and R’s on pictures? Yup – we added that too.  Get it now.
There are a few other improvements. For example, with BBM on BlackBerry 10, you can now share multiple pictures and attachments at the same time. We’re always listening to your feedback and updating BBM to make it the best way to connect and share with your friends. Let us know below what you think of the new updates.
It may take 24 hours or more for the update to appear in your app store depending on your mobile platform and region.

If Vaginas Could Speak….

Vaginas have it tough. So tough, that sometimes if they could speak, I’m sure they would say a few unsavory things to you. Here are some of them;

1) “Why the fuck are you bleeding again? Get your shit together woman, for fuck sake.”

2) “Really, AGAIN?”

3) “Could you slow down please, this isn’t a race.”

4) “Get in me now.”

5) “One at a time please.”

6) “I feel bald. I only wanted a trim…”

7) “Razor burn, you evil bastard, why do you hate me?”

8) “I’m falling APART.”

9) “This red river really is flowing free.”

10) “Ooohhh satin, so smooth.”

11) “Did something just BITE me?”

12) “I’m not a lolly pop, please stop with the dramatic licking.”

13) “My fro’ is getting a little out of hand here, perhaps a trim is in order.”

14) “Not you again.”

15) “Don’t put that thing NEAR me without gift wrapping it first.”

16) “I could do with a nap.”

17) “Why am I buzzing? Ooohh…This feels good.”

18) “Oh cotton wool sponge. Nice to see you again.”

Thursday, 11 December 2014

The Lady Bush: To Shave Or Not To Shave?

For awhile I have been mega busy & I guess this set of people making me busy are gonna continue for some time so bear with me and my skeletal post *sad face* Residency na bastard!!!!
Now for today's topic..
We’ve all got it, well hopefully whoever is reading this has already got to puberty and has a little bit of a bush downstairs. First off, it’s your body so you do with it what you like. If you like to maintain it, cool, and if you don’t that’s fine too. It’s your business. If you want to compromise with your partner that’s also your business. I’m not going to tell you what to do with your lady bits, that’s up to you.
We grow hair on our bodies for lots of reasons. Important reason or evolution would have gotten rid of it by now, were it not necessary. Although pubic hair may not be the most attractive area of body hair, it does serve a function. The most important being a sort of cushion to protect against all that bumping and grinding. It also helps to send signals to potential sexual partners that you’re interested. However, this hasn’t stopped people from removing and developing aversion to it. In fact, ladies have been shaving for centuries.
Going back to ancient times, as far back as 4000 to 3000 BC, women were removing their pubic hair to keep things down there nice and clean, and free from lice. Fun things they had to deal with back then. Other cultures and religions, often professed that a woman’s vagina was dirty and unruly and preached that the removal of pubic hair was a necessary part of proper hygiene. However, nowadays we thankfully don’t have to worry about lice, and we shower (hopefully) so removing pubic hair isn’t extremely necessary for our personal health. Therefore, it’s more of an aesthetic issue.
In the 1870s dermatologists started becoming very interested in the area of hypertrichosis (excessive hair syndrome) among women and their studies trickled out among the American public. During 1915-45 women, especially middle-class white women, were subjected to intense messaging to the female public that in order to be feminine and attractive, you needed to be completely hairless. New fashion trends were coming in which encouraged this notion. Strapless dresses called for hairless underarms, and shortening skirt length encouraged hairless legs. The knee-jerk response to when women started wanting to remove pubic hair is because of porn, which we now know is not the case. In Playboy magazines of the eighties, all the models’ pubic hair was neatly trimmed but still there. However, in the nineties it gradually disappeared.  So the media just keeps telling us to get rid of the bush.
Whether it was the porn industry, inherited fear of pubic lice, religious beliefs or just wanting to be naked in our nether regions, now things appear to be swinging back the other way. Whatever the reasons that it became a trend, it looks like now it’s becoming more and more acceptable to do what you like. Wherever you stand on the issue of whether or not to do some gardening on your lady bush, there are some reasons that would influence many’s decision. Whatever your decision it’s your choice.
Completely Bare
Some claim that it feels more hygienic to go completely bare downstairs. Hair retains smells from sweat and sexual pheromones are released from your lady bits to let your sexual partner know that you are up for it. However, some people really don’t like the smell. It can be quite pungent at times. Hair holds onto the scent and makes it last longer so by removing it there’s less sweat and less of a pheromone smell.
Nicely Trimmed
Some girls prefer not to go total and just keep their bikini line bare and the rest short. Easily manageable, but you do have to keep on top of it and be wary of razor rash. It can be super sensitive down there. This way girls don’t need to worry about wearing swimsuits and having a bit of bush showing, all you really need to worry about is stubble burn and razor rash.
The Natural Look
For the lazy girls, the girls that don’t really care, and the girls that want to make a point that they just don’t care what the guys/girls in their sexual life think about their lady bits. Their vagina still functions, so they’re still a viable sexual candidate.
Whatever you like, go out, have fun and enjoy yourself. Just keep your vag clean!